Economic Botany Data Standard
Economic Botany Data Standard
Master list for Non-Vertebrate Organisms
See descriptor alias keys: 27, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66
Level 3 states
1000000 | Unspecified Microbes |
2000000 | Viruses |
3000000 | Bacteria |
3010000 |
3020000 |
3030000 |
4000000 | Fungi |
5000000 | Plants |
5010000 |
5020000 |
5030000 |
5040000 |
5050000 |
5060000 |
6000000 | Protozoa |
6010000 |
6010100 |
6010200 |
6010300 |
6020000 |
6030000 |
6040000 |
6050000 |
6060000 |
6070000 |
6080000 |
7000000 | Mollusca |
8000000 | Arthropoda |
8010000 |
8010100 |
8010200 |
8010300 |
8010400 |
8020000 |
8030000 |
8030100 |
8030200 |
8030300 |
8030400 |
8030500 |
8030600 |
8030601 |
8030602 |
8030603 |
8030604 |
8030700 |
8030701 |
8030702 |
8030800 |
8030900 |
8030901 |
8031000 |
8031100 |
8040000 |
9000000 | other Eumetazoa |
9010000 |
9010100 |
9010200 |
9010300 |
9020000 |
9030000 |
9030100 |
9030101 |
9030200 |
9030201 |
9030202 |
9030203 |
9030204 |
9030205 |
9040000 |
9040100 |
9050000 |
If you have any comments about this data standard and the implementation document or wish to submit any corrections, please email us: