Economic Botany Data Standard
Economic Botany Data Standard
Level 3 states
Food Additive Types
1000000 | adulterants |
2000000 | clarifiers |
2010000 |
2020000 |
2030000 |
2040000 |
3000000 | colourings |
4000000 | emulsifiers |
5000000 | fermenting agents |
6000000 | rennet substitutes/milk curdlers |
7000000 | fermentation retarders |
8000000 | flavour fixatives |
9000000 | flavourings |
9010000 |
9020000 |
9030000 |
9040000 |
9050000 |
9060000 |
9070000 |
10000000 | gelling agents |
11000000 | preservatives |
11010000 |
12000000 | purifiers |
12010000 |
13000000 | raising agents |
14000000 | ripening agents |
15000000 | salt |
16000000 | stabilisers |
17000000 | sweeteners (non-sugar) |
18000000 | tenderisers |
18010000 |
19000000 | thickening agents |
20000000 | other additive types |
If you have any comments about this data standard and the implementation document or wish to submit any corrections, please email us: