Economic Botany Data Standard
Economic Botany Data Standard
Level 3 states
Disorders Treated/Medicinal Effects
24010000 |
24020000 |
24030000 |
24040000 |
24050000 |
24060000 |
24070000 |
24080000 |
24090000 |
24100000 |
24110000 |
24120000 |
24130000 |
24140000 |
24150000 |
24160000 |
24170000 |
24180000 |
24190000 |
24200000 |
24210000 |
24220000 |
24230000 |
24240000 |
24250000 |
24260000 |
24270000 |
If you have any comments about this data standard and the implementation document or wish to submit any corrections, please email us: