GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora


W.D. Clayton, M.S. Vorontsova, K.T. Harman & H. Williamson

© Copyright The Board of Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Character List

Character Conventions

Terms such as inflorescence, spikelet and lemma refer to the female–fertile (fertile) form unless contradicted. Male spikelets occur in male or strictly monoecious inflorescences (and are borrowed to represent the gynodioecious bisexual state).

Sterile is a collective term for male or barren spikelets associated with fertile spikelets. There may be different morphs:- at the base of the inflorescence or racemes (typically as homogamous pairs); as companions to bisexual spikelets (including pedicelled spikelets in Andropogoneae); and at the apex of the inflorescence or racemes. Measurements include callus and lobes, but exclude awns.

Fractions are expressed as decimal numbers. (0.25, 0.33 etc).


#1. <Plant duration>/
1. annual/
2. perennial/

Perennials possess one or more of the following: rhizome or rootstock; a compact mass of dead basal sheaths remaining from previous year's growth; dormant buds in the basal leaf axils ready for the following year's growth. These characters are poorly developed in short-lived perennials, which last only a few years and may be almost annual.

#2. <Degree of perennation>/
1. persisting <<implicit>>/
2. short-lived <perennating organs weakly expressed and difficult to observe>/

Perennials possess one or more of the following: rhizome or rootstock; a compact mass of dead basal sheaths remaining from previous year's growth; dormant buds in the basal leaf axils ready for the following year's growth. These characters are poorly developed in short-lived perennials, which last only a few years and may be almost annual.

#3. <Key couplet for bamboo life-form>/
1. herbaceous, or if woody then unlike a bamboo <in a colloquial sense> <<implicit>>/
2. woody bamboo <with characteristic culm and foliage>/

Woody bamboo: refers to the familiar bamboo life-form. Herbaceous: refers to everything else, including a few atypical reedy genera of Bambuseae. Use it to prevent sterile species (all bamboos) from clogging the list of remaining items.

#4. <Plant density>/
1. culms solitary/
2. cushion forming/
3. mat forming/
4. <uni> caespitose <forming a single clump>/
5. pluricaespitose <separate clumps linked by rhizomes>/

#5. <Plant> clumped <degree of culm density>/
1. loosely/
2. moderately/
3. densely/

Roots, Rhizome and butt sheaths

#6. Roots <unusual states>/
1. simple <<implicit>>/
2. bearing tubers/
3. aromatic/
4. woolly/

#7. Rootstock <presence>/
1. not evident/
2. evident <knotty and woody>/

A rootstock is like a short vertical rhizome with closely spaced internodes.

#8. Cataphylls <presence>/
1. inconspicuous/
2. evident/

Cataphylls are scales (reduced leaf-sheaths) which sometimes surround the base of the plant.

#9. Rhizomes <presence>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. short <often obliquely ascending>/
3. elongated <running>/

#10. Rhizomes <lepto- or pachymorph>/
1. leptomorph <uniformly slender>/
2. pachymorph <substantially thicker than culm at some point>/

Leptomorph: slender running rhizomes of monopodial growth (culms arise from an axil). Pachymorph: stout curved rhizomes like the head of a golf club, but sometimes with a long neck, of sympodial growth (culms terminal, the rhizome continued from an axil).

#11. Rhizomes <consistency>/
1. hollow/
2. with peripheral air canals/
3. spongy/
4. fleshy/
5. firm/
6. wiry/
7. tuberous/
8. knotty/
9. woody/

#12. Rhizomes <presence of scales>/
1. not obviously scaly/
2. scaly/

#13. Rhizomes <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. hairy <with straight hairs>/
3. woolly <with crimped hairs>/

#14. Stolons <presence>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. present/

#15. Stolons <equality of internodes>/
1. with subequal internodes <leafy runners>/
2. with alternating elongated and bunched internodes/

#16. Butt sheaths <base of basal leaf-sheaths; presence>/
1. present <<implicit>>/
2. absent <basal sheaths evanescent or scale-like>/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#17. Butt sheaths <consistency>/
1. papery/
2. herbaceous/
3. scarious/
4. coriaceous/
5. indurate/
6. fleshy/
7. spongy/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#18. Butt sheaths <presence of bulb>/
1. not bulbous <<implicit>>/
2. thickened and forming a bulb/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#19. Butt sheaths <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. yellow/
3. green/
4. glaucous/
5. grey/
6. light brown/
7. dark brown/
8. red/
9. purple/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#20. Butt sheaths <sheen>/
1. dull/
2. glossy/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#21. Butt sheaths <ribbbing & reticulation>/
1. without ribs/
2. distinctly ribbed/
3. reticulately veined/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#22. Butt sheaths <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. sparsely hairy/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. villous/
7. woolly/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#23. Butt sheaths with <hair colour>/
1. white hairs <<implicit>>/
2. grey hairs/
3. yellow hairs/
4. tawny hairs/
5. dark brown hairs/
6. red hairs/
7. purple hairs/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#24. Butt sheaths <persistence>/
1. withering <when dead> <<implicit>>/
2. persistent and investing base of culm/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#25. Butt sheaths with <kind of dead sheath investing culm>/
1. soft dead sheaths/
2. compacted dead sheaths <not much altered>/
3. curly dead sheaths <like wood shavings>/
4. dead sheaths fracturing into segments/
5. fibrous dead sheaths/
6. reticulate dead sheaths/

Butt-sheath refers to the base of the basal leaf-sheaths, which is sometimes characteristically thickened or hairy.

#26. Basal innovations <origin>/
1. extravaginal/
2. intravaginal/

Extravaginal: new shoots break out sideways through the base of the subtending leaf. Intravaginal: new shoots elongate within the sheath, imparting a compact facies.

#27. Basal innovations <compression>/
1. subterete <<implicit>>/
2. flabellate <strongly compressed and interleaved like a fan>/

#28. Glands <type of dwarf gland <comment if siting ambiguous>>/
1. absent/
2. capitate/
3. wart-like <convex>/
4. raised crateriform/
5. sunken crateriform/
6. elongated/
7. annular/
8. lacunose/


#29. Culms <habit>/
1. erect/
2. geniculately ascending/
3. decumbent <touching ground at knees>/
4. prostrate <lying on ground>/
5. rambling <on low vegetation>/
6. at first whip-like then subsiding on other vegetation/
7. arching/
8. leaning <on other vegetation>/
9. scandent <climbing or scrambling>/

#30. Culms <stature>/
1. reed-like/
2. robust/
3. of moderate stature/
4. slender/
5. weak/

#31. Culms <straightness>/
1. straight/
2. curved/
3. tortuous/
4. zigzag/

#32. Culms <inclination of tip - if a bamboo>/
1. erect at the tip/
2. inclined at the tip/
3. nodding at the tip/
4. drooping at the tip/
5. pendulous at the tip/

#33. Culms <height>/
cm long/

#34. Culms <diameter of lower internodes>/
mm diam./

#35. Culms <consistency>/
1. spongy/
2. compressible/
3. firm <<implicit>>/
4. wiry/
5. woody/

#36. Culms <number of nodes>/

#37. Culms with <site of uppermost node as fraction of total culm length>/
of their length below uppermost node/

#38. Culms <nodal roots>/
1. without nodal roots/
2. with prop roots/
3. rooting from lower nodes/
4. with root dots on the nodes/
5. with aerial roots from the nodes <mainly bamboos>/
6. with root thorns from the nodes/
7. eventually collapsing and rooting from upper nodes/

#39. Culms <fragility>/
1. tough <<implicit>>/
2. disarticulating at the nodes <associated with axillary spikelets>/

#40. Culms <presence of corms>/
1. not swollen at the base <<implicit>>/
2. swollen at the base/

#41. Culms forming <corm shape>/
1. an ovoid corm/
2. moniliform corms/
3. an elongated corm/

#42. Culm-internodes <inequality of length - excluding peduncle>/
1. similar in length/
2. abbreviated and bulging at the base <bamboos>/
3. abbreviated and closely packed at the base/
4. shorter and closely spaced at top of culm/
5. unequal, the upper longer/
6. unequal, the lower longer/
7. alternately elongated and bunched/

#43. Culm-internodes <transverse section>/
1. terete/
2. semiterete <flattened along one face>/
3. channelled <along one face>/
4. elliptical in section/
5. quadrangular/

#44. Culm-internodes <hollowness>/
1. thin-walled/
2. thick-walled/
3. solid/
4. with septate pith/

#45. Culm-internodes <length>/
cm long/

#46. Culm-internodes <colour>/
1. white/
2. yellow/
3. light green/
4. mid-green/
5. dark green/
6. glaucous/
7. grey/
8. brown/
9. purple/
10. black/

#47. Culm-internodes <variegation>/
1. concolorous/
2. striped/
3. mottled/

#48. Culm-internodes <presence of sessile glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#49. Culm-internodes <surface relief>/
1. estriate/
2. striate/
3. ridged/

#50. Culm-internodes <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. antrorsely scabrous/
4. retrorsely scabrous/
5. papillose/

#51. Culm-internodes distally <indumentum, at least below nodes> <<ordered>>/
1. mealy/
2. pruinose/
3. glabrous/
4. pubescent/
5. pilose/
6. hirsute/
7. hispid/
8. woolly/
9. with <longitudinal> pubescent line/

#52. Culm-internodes with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. reflexed hairs/
4. capitate hairs/
5. clavellate hairs/
6. turgid hairs/

#53. Culm-nodes <constriction>/
1. constricted/
2. flush with internodes/
3. swollen/
4. flanged/

#54. Culm-nodes <presence of supra-nodal ridge>/
1. without obvious supra-nodal ridge/
2. with distinct supra-nodal ridge/

#55. Culm-nodes <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. green/
3. brown/
4. purple/
5. black/

#56. Culm-nodes <exudate>/
1. without exudate/
2. viscid/

#57. Culm-nodes <indumentum <comment on colour>>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. bearded/


#58. Lateral branches <extent of aerial branching>/
1. lacking <above basal tillers>/
2. sparse/
3. ample/
4. fastigiate/
5. suffrutescent/
6. dendroid <bamboos>/

#59. Lateral <aerial> branches <intra- or extravaginal>/
1. extravaginal/
2. intravaginal/
3. infravaginal/

#60. Lateral branches arising from <where>/
1. lower culm/
2. mid culm/
3. upper culm/

#61. Lateral branches <inclination>/
1. erect <0—15 degrees>/
2. ascending <16—60 degrees>/
3. spreading <61—90 degrees>/
4. reflexed/

#62. Buds or branches <presence on lower culm>/
1. present on lower quarter of culm/
2. absent from lower quarter of culm/

#63. Bud complement <number>/

#64. Bud prophyll <length of principal prophyll>/
mm long/

#65. Bud prophyll <number of keels>/
1. 1-keeled/
2. 2-keeled/

#66. Bud prophyll margins <fusion>/
1. free/
2. fused/

#67. Branch complement <constancy>/
1. constant/
2. variable/

#68. Branch complement <number> <<ordered>>/
1. one/
2. two/
3. three/
4. several <4—10>/
5. many/

#69. Branch complement <arrangement>/
1. solitary/
2. in a horizontal line <at the same level>/
3. in an irregular line/
4. in a clump/
5. girdling the culm/
6. flabellate <around a triangular space>/

#70. Branch complement <origin>/
1. apparently arising below the node/
2. at the node <<implicit>>/
3. subtended by a bare patch above the node/

#71. Branch complement with <equality>/
1. subequal branches/
2. 1 branch dominant/
3. 2 branches dominant/
4. 3 branches dominant/
5. interspersed leafless fibrillar branches/

#72. Branch complement <thickness relative to stem>/
1. as thick as stem <at least the dominants>/
2. thinner than stem/


#73. Culm-sheaths <presence; occur below foliage, mainly in bamboos>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. present/

#74. Culm-sheaths <persistence>/
1. persistent/
2. tardily deciduous <often hanging from the culm>/
3. deciduous but leaving a persistent girdle/
4. deciduous/

#75. Culm-sheaths <length>/
cm long/

#76. Culm-sheaths <length as a fraction of internode>/
length of internode/

#77. Culm-sheaths <length-width ratio>/
times as long as wide/

#78. Culm-sheaths <presence of basal lobes>/
1. without basal lobes <<implicit>>/
2. with basal lobes/

#79. Culm-sheaths <consistency>/
1. chartaceous/
2. coriaceous/

#80. Culm-sheaths <colour when fresh>/
1. white/
2. yellow/
3. green/
4. glaucous/
5. brown/
6. red/
7. purple/

#81. Culm-sheaths <variegation>/
1. concolorous/
2. striped/
3. obscurely mottled with last colour/
4. distinctly mottled with last colour/

#82. Culm-sheaths <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. antrorsely scabrous/
3. retrorsely scabrous/

#83. Culm-sheaths <surface indumentum>/
1. glabrous <except for shoulders and margins>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hispid/

#84. Culm-sheaths hairy <where>/
1. throughout/
2. above/
3. below/
4. at the base/

#85. Culm-sheaths with <inclination of hairs>/
1. appressed hairs/
2. erect hairs/
3. reflexed hairs/

#86. Culm-sheaths with <hair colour>/
1. white hairs/
2. grey hairs/
3. yellow hairs/
4. tawny hairs/
5. dark brown hairs/
6. red hairs/
7. purple hairs/
8. black hairs/

#87. Culm-sheaths <presence of marginal hairs>/
1. glabrous on margins/
2. hairy on margins/

#88. Culm-sheaths <shape of apex>/
1. concave at apex/
2. truncate at apex/
3. convex at apex/
4. triangular at apex/
5. asymmetrical at apex/

#89. Culm-sheaths <presence of auricles>/
1. without auricles/
2. auriculate/

#90. Culm-sheaths with <auricle apex>/
1. obtuse auricles/
2. acute auricles/

#91. Culm-sheaths with <equality of auricles>/
1. equal auricles/
2. subequal auricles/
3. unequal auricles/

#92. Culm-sheaths with <auricle length>/
mm high auricles/

#93. Culm-sheaths with <auricle width>/
mm wide auricles/

#94. Culm-sheaths <hairs on shoulders, or auricles when present>/
1. glabrous on shoulders/
2. pubescent on shoulders/
3. ciliate on shoulders/
4. setose on shoulders/

#95. Culm-sheaths shoulders with <straight or curved hairs>/
1. straight hairs/
2. curved hairs/

#96. Culm-sheaths shoulders with <hair length>/
mm long hairs/

#97. Culm-sheath ligule <height>/
mm high/

#98. Culm-sheath ligule <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. green/
3. brown/
4. reddish/
5. purple/

#99. Culm-sheath ligule <apical ornament>/
1. entire/
2. dentate/
3. lacerate/
4. fimbriate <lacerations bearing a group of long hairs>/
5. ciliolate/
6. ciliate/

#100. Culm-sheath blade <outline>/
1. inconspicuous/
2. linear/
3. lanceolate/
4. narrowly ovate/
5. ovate/
6. triangular/

#101. Culm-sheath blade <basal constriction>/
1. constricted at base <semi-petiolate>/
2. narrower than sheath/
3. as wide as sheath at base <attached across its whole width>/
4. cordate/

#102. Culm-sheath blade <persistence>/
1. indistinctly demarcated from sheath/
2. demarcated but persistent/
3. deciduous/

#103. Culm-sheath blade <carriage>/
1. erect/
2. spreading/
3. reflexed/

#104. Culm-sheath blade <length>/
cm long/

#105. Culm-sheath blade <width>/
mm wide/

#106. Culm-sheath blade <wrinkling>/
1. flat/
2. wrinkled/

#107. Culm-sheath blade <indumentum>/
1. glabrous on surface/
2. scabrid/
3. pubescent/
4. hispid/
5. with ciliate margins/

#108. Culm-sheath blade <shape of apex>/
1. obtuse/
2. acute/
3. acuminate/
4. attenuate/
5. cuspidate/
6. mucronate/


#109. Leaves <basal or cauline>/
1. mostly basal/
2. basal and cauline/
3. cauline <<comment if herbaceous without butt sheaths>>/

#110. Leaves <number in leaf complement - if cauline>/
per branch <or culm when unbranched; refers to foliage culms if distinct from flowering culms. Zero if not in distinct complements>/

#111. Leaves <phyllotaxy>/
1. apparently irregular <<implicit>>/
2. distichous/
3. spiral/

#112. Leaves <differentiation of sheath and blade>/
1. differentiated into sheath and blade <<implicit>>/
2. without demarcation between sheath and blade <no abaxial collar; ligule may be present>/
3. with sheath almost obsolete/
4. with blades commonly suppressed, transferring photosynthetic function to sheath and culm/

#113. Leaves <heterophylly>/
1. all alike <<implicit>>/
2. heterophyllous being wider on the culm/
3. much reduced on the culm <when foliage basal, else see culm-sheaths>/
4. heterophyllous with a basal winter rosette <vernal leaves described>/
5. heterophyllous with the distal narrower and retrorsely scabrid at the apex/
6. heterophyllous <unspecified - explained in comment>/


#114. Leaf-sheaths <looseness>/
1. solid and functionally replacing culm/
2. tight <on the culm>/
3. loose/
4. inflated <refers to ordinary leaves, not those subtending an inflorescence or cleistogenes>/
5. deciduous/

#115. Leaf-sheaths <presence of basal thickening; but see butt-sheath if bulbous>/
1. unthickened at base/
2. thickened at base/

#116. Leaf-sheaths <marginal union>/
1. open for most of their length/
2. tubular for much of their length/

#117. Leaf-sheaths with <fraction closed>/
of their length closed/

#118. Leaf-sheaths with <involute margins>/
1. flat margins/
2. infolded margins/

#119. Leaf-sheaths <length>/
cm long/

#120. Leaf-sheaths <length relative to internode>/
1. obsolete on upper internodes/
2. mostly shorter than adjacent culm internode <upper nodes visible>/
3. subequal to internodes <or variable>/
4. longer than adjacent culm internode <overlapping>/

#121. Leaf-sheaths <width relative to blade>/
1. narrower than blade at the collar/
2. as wide as blade at the collar/
3. wider than blade at the collar/

#122. Leaf-sheaths <presence of sessile glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular <on surface, midvein or margins>/

#123. Leaf-sheaths <exudate>/
1. without exudate <<implicit>>/
2. pruinose/
3. viscid/
4. resinous/

#124. Leaf-sheaths <presence of keel>/
1. without keel <or thickening>/
2. medianly thickened/
3. keeled <but not winged>/
4. with winged keel/

#125. Leaf-sheaths <venation>/
1. indistinctly veined/
2. striately veined/
3. reticulately veined/
4. ribbed/

#126. Leaf-sheaths <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. antrorsely scabrous/
4. retrorsely scabrous/
5. papillose/
6. punctate/
7. transversely wrinkled/

#127. Leaf-sheaths <surface indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous on surface <excepting mouth & margin>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. hispid/
7. woolly/

#128. Leaf-sheaths with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. reflexed hairs/
4. hooked hairs/
5. capitate hairs/
6. clavellate hairs/
7. turgid hairs/

#129. Leaf-sheaths hairs <colour>/
1. white/
2. grey/
3. yellow/
4. tawny/
5. dark brown/
6. red/
7. purple/
8. black/

#130. Leaf-sheaths outer margin <presence of hairs>/
1. glabrous/
2. hairy/

#131. Leaf-sheaths inner surface <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. puberulous/

#132. Leaf-sheath oral hairs <beside ligule or on auricles> <<ordered>>/
1. scanty <a few bristles>/
2. lacking/
3. pubescent/
4. ciliate/
5. bearded/
6. setose/
7. woolly/

#133. Leaf-sheath oral hairs <terete or flat>/
1. terete/
2. flat/

#134. Leaf-sheath oral hairs <carriage>/
1. erect/
2. spreading/
3. curly/
4. deciduous/

#135. Leaf-sheath oral hairs <length>/
mm long/

#136. Leaf-sheath oral hairs <colour>/
1. pale/
2. dark/

#137. Leaf-sheath auricles <presence>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. erect <usually adnate to ligule>/
3. erect and connate forming a tooth opposite blade <when sheath tubular>/
4. falcate/

#138. Leaf-sheath auricles <length>/
mm long/

#139. Leaf-sheath auricles <shape of apex>/
1. obtuse/
2. acute/
3. acuminate/

Ligule & collar

#140. Ligule <structure - at midculm node when cauline foliage present> <<mandatory>>/
1. an eciliate membrane <apical hairs absent>/
2. a ciliolate membrane <apical hairs shorter than membrane>/
3. a ciliate membrane <apical hairs as long as, or longer than, membrane>/
4. a fringe of hairs <membrane absent or obscure>/
5. absent/

#141. Ligule <length on culm leaves>/
mm long/

#142. Ligule <length on basal shoots when different>/
mm long on basal shoots/

#143. Ligule <consistency>/
1. hyaline/
2. membranous/
3. scarious/

#144. Ligule <colour>/
1. translucent/
2. white/
3. brown/
4. red/
5. purple/

#145. Ligule <abaxial indumentum>/
1. glabrous on abaxial surface/
2. scaberulous on abaxial surface/
3. pubescent on abaxial surface/
4. pilose on abaxial surface/
5. ciliate from base of abaxial surface/
6. setose from base of abaxial surface/
7. with a secondary abaxial membrane/

#146. Ligule <apex incision>/
1. entire/
2. erose/
3. bilobed/
4. trilobed/
5. lacerate/

#147. Ligule <shape of apex>/
1. truncate/
2. obtuse/
3. acute/
4. acuminate/

#148. Collar <abaxial surface at junction between sheath and blade - colour>/
1. pallid/
2. concolorous <with sheath and blade>/
3. dark/

#149. Collar <external ligule>/
1. without external ligule <<implicit>>/
2. with <membranous> external ligule/

#150. Collar <indumentum of collar, or external ligule>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. ciliate/
4. pilose/
5. bearded/

#151. Collar with hairs <length>/
mm long/


#152. Leaf-blade base <shape>/
1. tapering to the midrib <but not discretely petiolate>/
2. simple <narrowing or slightly rounded> <<implicit>>/
3. cuneate/
4. truncate/
5. broadly rounded/
6. cordate/
7. amplexicaul/
8. sagittate/

#153. Leaf-blade base <symmetry>/
1. symmetrical/
2. asymmetrical/

#154. Leaf-blade base <presence of false petiole>/
1. without a false petiole <<implicit>>/
2. with a brief petiole-like connection to sheath <mainly bamboos>/
3. with a false petiole <elongated, at least in the upper leaves>/

#155. Leaf-blade base petiole <length>/
cm long/

#156. Leaf-blade base petiole <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. pilose/

#157. Leaf-blades <carriage>/
1. appressed/
2. erect/
3. ascending <<implicit>>/
4. spreading/
5. drooping/
6. reflexed/
7. floating <flat on the water>/

#158. Leaf-blades <straightness>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. curved/
3. curled/
4. flexuous/
5. tortuous <spirally twisted>/

#159. Leaf-blades <inversion>/
1. not inverted <<implicit>>/
2. inverted <twisted to bring lower epidermis uppermost>/

#160. Leaf-blades <persistence>/
1. persistent <<implicit>>/
2. deciduous at the ligule/
3. deciduous with part of sheath attached/

#161. Leaf-blades <outline>/
1. aciculate/
2. filiform/
3. linear <<implicit>>/
4. lanceolate/
5. elliptic/
6. oblong/
7. ovate/
8. triangular/

#162. Leaf-blades <direction of taper>/
1. tapering towards sheath <widest in distal half>/
2. tapering towards tip <widest near base>/
3. tapering towards tip and sheath <widest in middle>/
4. parallel-sided <equally wide for most of length>/

#163. Leaf-blades <vernation>/
1. flat <<implicit>>/
2. plicate <pleated>/
3. conduplicate <folded>/
4. involute/
5. convolute/
6. revolute/
7. terete <apparently without lamina>/

#164. Leaf-blades <outline of transverse section>/
1. linear in section/
2. angular in section/
3. elliptic in section/
4. circular in section/

#165. Leaf-blades <length>/
cm long/

#166. Leaf-blades <width>/
mm wide/

#167. Leaf-blades <length of uppermost leaf>/
cm long at summit of culm/

#168. Leaf-blades <width in winter rosette>/
mm wide in winter rosette/

#169. Leaf-blades <consistency>/
1. membranous/
2. herbaceous <<implicit>>/
3. chartaceous/
4. fleshy/
5. coriaceous/
6. indurate/

#170. Leaf-blades <stiffness>/
1. stiff/
2. firm <<implicit>>/
3. flaccid/

#171. Leaf-blades <colour>/
1. yellowish green/
2. light green/
3. mid-green/
4. dark green/
5. glaucous/
6. grey-green/
7. red/
8. purple/

#172. Leaf-blades <whether discolorous>/
1. concolorous/
2. discolorous with last colour beneath <different colours above and below>/
3. with undersurface a different shade on either side of midrib/
4. variegated <<describe in comment>>/
5. withering along margins/

#173. Leaf-blades <presence of sessile glands - other than margins>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular <on surface or midvein>/

#174. Leaf-blades <exudate>/
1. without exudate <<implicit>>/
2. pruinose/
3. viscid/
4. resinous/

#175. Leaf-blades <presence of scent>/
1. without scent <<implicit>>/
2. aromatic/

#176. Leaf-blade midrib <distinctness on upper surface>/
1. indistinct/
2. evident/
3. conspicuous/
4. widened/

#177. Leaf-blade midrib <emergence on lower surface>/
1. scarcely raised beneath/
2. prominent beneath <but not keeled>/
3. keeled beneath/

#178. Leaf-blade venation <clarity>/
1. indistinct <except for midrib>/
2. distinct/
3. prominent/

#179. Leaf-blade venation <slanting>/
1. parallel <<implicit>>/
2. slanting obliquely from midrib/

#180. Leaf-blade venation comprising <number of vascular bundles>/
vascular bundles/

#181. Leaf-blade venation of <number of orders>/
orders <counting midrib as first>/

#182. Leaf-blade venation with <number of second order veins>/
secondary veins/

#183. Leaf-blade venation with <number of inner ridges>/
inner ridges/

#184. Leaf-blade venation with sclerenchyma strands <presence above or below veins>/
1. absent/
2. below veins/
3. above some veins/
4. above all veins/

#185. Leaf-blade venation with <number of sclerenchyma strands <mainly Festuca>>/
subepidermal sclerenchyma strands/

#186. Leaf-blade venation with <separate> subepidermal sclerenchyma strands <equality of size>/
1. similar in size/
2. unequal in size <apart from midrib and margins>/
3. enlarged at midrib/
4. enlarged at leaf margins/

#187. Leaf-blade venation with subepidermal sclerenchyma <attachment to veins>/
1. free from veins/
2. attached to veins above/
3. attached to veins below/
4. attached to veins above and below/

#188. Leaf-blade venation <presence of abaxial subepidermal sclerenchyma layer>/
1. without layer of subepidermal sclerenchyma masking vein striation/
2. with sclerenchyma strands widened to form a discontinuous subepidermal layer/
3. with unevenly thickened subepidermal sclerenchyma layer on the underside/
4. with continuous uniform subepidermal sclerenchyma layer on the underside/

#189. Leaf-blade venation <presence of cross veins>/
1. without <apparent> cross veins <<implicit>>/
2. with obscure cross veins <requiring careful inspection>/
3. with distinct cross veins <obvious under x10 lens>/

#190. Leaf-blade surface <presence of grooves or ribs>/
1. ungrooved/
2. grooved along midline/
3. grooved on either side of midline/
4. ribbed/

#191. Leaf-blade surface grooved <which side grooved or ribbed>/
1. adaxially <upper>/
2. abaxially <lower>/

#192. Leaf-blade surface with <shape of ribs>/
1. rounded ribs/
2. rectangular ribs/
3. ribs raised into sinuous lamellae/

#193. Leaf-blade surface <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. papillose/

#194. Leaf-blade surface rough <which side>/
1. adaxially <upper>/
2. abaxially <lower>/
3. on both sides/

#195. Leaf-blade surface <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. hispid/
7. woolly/

#196. Leaf-blade surface hairless <extent when glabrous>/
1. throughout/
2. except near base/

#197. Leaf-blade surface <hair density>/
1. sparsely hairy/
2. moderately hairy <<implicit>>/
3. densely hairy/

#198. Leaf-blade surface hairy <which side>/
1. adaxially <upper>/
2. abaxially <lower>/
3. on both sides/

#199. Leaf-blade surface with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. capitate hairs/
4. clavellate hairs/
5. turgid hairs/

#200. Leaf-blade margins <thickening>/
1. unthickened/
2. cartilaginous/

#201. Leaf-blade margins <presence of glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#202. Leaf-blade margins <indentation>/
1. entire <<implicit>>/
2. undulate/
3. crenate <crinkled, at least on one margin>/
4. serrulate/

#203. Leaf-blade margins <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/

#204. Leaf-blade margins <hairiness>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. ciliate/
4. tuberculate-ciliate/
5. with tufts of hair/
6. tuberculate <without hair>/

#205. Leaf-blade margins hairy <where>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. at base <only>/

#206. Leaf-blade apex <shape> <<ordered>>/
1. obtuse/
2. abruptly acute/
3. acute/
4. acuminate/
5. attenuate/
6. caudate/

#207. Leaf-blade apex <pungency>/
1. muticous <<implicit>>/
2. pungent <pricking the fingers>/

#208. Leaf-blade apex <termination>/
1. soon splitting/
2. hooded/
3. asymmetrical/
4. simple <<implicit>>/
5. apiculate/
6. hardened/
7. callose/
8. filiform/

#209. Leaf-blade apex <vesture>/
1. without special vesture <undifferentiated from lamina> <<implicit>>/
2. smooth/
3. antrorsely scabrous/
4. retrorsely scabrous/
5. hairy/


#210. Flowering specimens <whether flowering parts are described in the database>/
1. described <<implicit>>/
2. unknown <all bamboos>/

Bamboos are frequently known only in the vegetative state. Use this to prevent them from clogging the identification of flowering specimens.

#211. <Plant sexuality>/
1. bisexual <<implicit>>/
2. gynodioecious ("male", in this context, indicating the bisexual state) <<describe female, and comment on bisexual state in male section>>/
3. monoecious <including sequential sex forms at different times>/
4. androdioecious/
5. dioecious/

In gynodioecious plants the female form is fully described, but the bisexual form is recorded here as if it were male, and needs rewording in natural language descriptions.

#212. <Plant sexuality if monoecious>/
1. with male and female spikelets in the same inflorescence/
2. with male and female spikelets in different inflorescences <<implicit>>/
3. with male terminal and mixed axillary inflorescences/
4. with a male and a female inflorescence subtended by the same spatheole <Coix>/
5. with sex changing according to season/

#213. Synflorescence <type of inflorescence aggregation> <<mandatory>>/
1. simple <discrete and lacking subtending bracts, or rarely with rudiments> <<implicit>>/
2. compound <a spathate aggregation of racemose inflorescences, the latter terminating branches>/
3. bractiferous <a bracteate or spathate system bearing single spikelets or dwarf bracteolate fascicles in the axils - bamboos only>/

#214. Synflorescence <shape when compound or bractiferous>/
1. scanty/
2. linear/
3. paniculate/
4. fastigiate <about the axis>/
5. fasciculate <the spatheoles in bunches>/
6. globose/
7. stellate/
8. clustered at the nodes <bamboos>/

#215. Synflorescence in <shape of clusters - if nodal>/
1. globose clusters/
2. stellate clusters/
3. oblong clusters/
4. compact unilateral clumps/
5. untidy tufts/

#216. Synflorescence <length of synflorescence or nodal cluster - if compound or bractiferous>/
cm long/

#217. Synflorescence <density of synflorescence or nodal cluster - if compound or bractiferous>/
1. dense/
2. lax/
3. open/

#218. Synflorescence <separation of clusters - if nodal>/
cm between clusters/

#219. Synflorescence <internode indumentum - if nodal>/
1. glabrous on internodes/
2. scabrid on internodes/
3. hispidulous on internodes/
4. pubescent on internodes/
5. pilose on internodes/

#220. Synflorescence with <shape of principal subtending bracts - if bractiferous>/
1. glumaceous subtending bracts/
2. spathaceous subtending bracts/
3. foliaceous subtending bracts/

#221. Synflorescence bracts <length - if bractiferous>/
mm long/

#222. Synflorescence <presence of spikelet buds - if bractiferous>/
1. without axillary buds at base of spikelet <semelauctant>/
2. with axillary buds at base of spikelet <iterauctant>/

#223. Synflorescence <presence of dwarf shoots - if compound or bractiferous>/
1. with simple <homogeneous> branching/
2. with ultimate <large> bract subtending a compact bracteolate fascicle of spikelets <mostly bamboos>/
3. with principal spatheoles embracing a compact fascicle of racemes, each subtended by a subsidiary bract/
4. with multiple branching from a dwarf shoot in penultimate spathe <Andropogoneae>/

#224. Synflorescence <presence of prophylls - if compound or bractiferous>/
1. without prophylls <adjoining spikelet> <<implicit>>/
2. prophyllate below lateral spikelets/

#225. Synflorescence with <number of prophyll keels>/
1. unkeeled prophylls/
2. 1-keeled prophylls/
3. 2-keeled prophylls/

#226. Synflorescence <relation to leaves - if nodal>/
1. leafy between clusters/
2. leafless between clusters <pseudo-racemose>/
3. leafless between <clusters and> branches <pseudo-paniculate>/

#227. Synflorescence <total length - if nodal>/
cm long overall/

#228. Synflorescence <on leafless culm>/
1. on the same culm as leaves <<implicit>>/
2. on a specialized culm bearing a single <rarely more> leaf-blade/
3. on a separate leafless culm/

#229. Inflorescence <type - refers to true inflorescence (i.e., above uppermost sheath) in a compound system; <inapplicable if bractiferous> see Note for definitions> <<mandatory>>/
1. a panicle <<including spiciform panicles with dwarf laterals more or less accrescent to a central axis, and Pennisetum spp with 1 involucral bristle>>/
2. a panicle with branches tipped by a raceme <or heteromorphic triad; Andropogoneae.> <<Enter under panicle; raceme shape, length & number of spikelets; rhachis; rhachis internode>>/
3. composed of <spikes or> racemes <<these occasionally bearing secondary lateral racemelets (rarely variable between panicle and raceme, and then scored for both). Triads or contiguous pairs shed as a whole from a tough central axis are racemes; the term is also used here for a broadly winged rhachis bearing involucral clusters (Chlorocalymma, Trachys). Single spikelets subtended by 1 sterile bristle and deciduous with it are homology problems; they are treated as reduced racemes (except Pennisetum). Single spikelets without rhachis extension are treated as spikelets, regardless of supposed homology (Boutelouinae, Zoysiinae, Stenotaphrum)>>/
4. comprising only a few spikelets <and type undefinable>/

Panicle: includes spiciform panicles with dwarf lateral branches more or less accrescent to a central axis; and Pennisetum spp with one involucral bristle. Raceme: including those with secondary lateral racemelets. Triads or contiguous pairs shed as a whole from a tough central axis are recemes; the term is also used here for a broadly winged rhachis bearing involucral clusters (Chlorocalymma, Trachys). Single spikelets subtended by one sterile bristle and deciduous with it present a homology problem; they are treated here as reduced racemes (except Pennisetum). Single spikelets without rhachis extension are treated as spikelets, regardless of supposed homology (Boutelouinae, Zoisineae, Stenotaphrum). There is no absolute difference between these two forms, though in practice the distinction is usually clear enough, despite a few troublesome intermediates or grossly reduced structures. The term spike has been dropped, and treated as a raceme with sessile spikelets.

#230. Inflorescence comprising <number of spikelets> <<if few or in a panicle>>/
fertile spikelets/

#231. Inflorescence <location of fertile inflorescence>/
1. terminal <on culms and principal branches> <<implicit>>/
2. terminal and axillary <excluding cleistogenes; including compound systems>/
3. axillary <only>/

#232. Inflorescence <whether overtopping basal leaves>/
1. aerial <<implicit>>/
2. shorter than basal leaves/

#233. Inflorescence bearing <juvenility>/
1. well-developed spikelets at emergence <<implicit>>/
2. juvenile spikelets at emergence/

#234. Inflorescence <tumbleweed>/
1. not deciduous as a whole <or composed of a single spikelet> <<implicit>>/
2. deciduous as a whole/

#235. Inflorescence <presence of rudimentary bracts within inflorescence> <<see also subtending leaf, peduncle tip and basal sterile spikelets>>/
1. without bracts <<implicit>>/
2. bracteate at branch bases/
3. bracteate at pedicel base/

#236. Inflorescence subtended by <type of subtending leaf>/
1. an unspecialized leaf-sheath <and blade> <<implicit>>/
2. an inflated leaf-sheath <lightly inflated, with blade>/
3. a spatheole <or spathe, much modified with rudimentary blade>/
4. sheathless <or inconspicuously sheathed> blades/
5. bracts/

#237. Inflorescence <exsertion from sheath>/
1. exserted <<implicit>>/
2. embraced at base by subtending leaf/
3. enclosed <by sheath or spatheole>/

#238. Inflorescence with <number, when several emerging from a sheath>/
peduncles per sheath/

#239. Axillary inflorescences present <location>/
1. throughout the plant/
2. in upper axils/
3. in lower axils/

#240. Axillary inflorescences <comparison with terminal - if the latter fertile>/
1. similar to terminal/
2. different from terminal/
3. intermingled with terminal/

#241. Axillary inflorescences <shape>/
1. open/
2. loosely contracted/
3. compact/
4. enclosed/


#242. Spatheole <form; excluding secondary bractlets when present>/
1. cymbiform or tubular <<implicit>>/
2. expanded/
3. glumaceous/

#243. Spatheole <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. globose/

#244. Spatheole <length>/
cm long/

#245. Spatheole <consistency>/
1. hyaline/
2. membranous/
3. chartaceous/
4. herbaceous/
5. scarious/
6. coriaceous/
7. indurate/

#246. Spatheole <colour>/
1. yellow/
2. green/
3. glaucous/
4. grey/
5. brown/
6. red/
7. purple/

#247. Spatheole <presence of tubercles>/
1. without tubercles/
2. tuberculate/

#248. Spatheole <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. setose/


#249. Peduncle <presence>/
1. brief, the infloresence subsessile/
2. distinct <<implicit>>/

#250. Peduncle <flexion>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. nodding/
3. flexuous/
4. deflexed/

#251. Peduncle <transverse section>/
1. terete/
2. elliptic in section/
3. angular/
4. flattened/

#252. Peduncle <length>/
cm long/

#253. Peduncle <presence of glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#254. Peduncle <roughness below inflorescence>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous above/
3. antrorsely scabrous above/
4. retrorsely scabrous above/
5. tuberculate above/

#255. Peduncle <indumentum below inflorescence> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent above/
3. pilose above/
4. hirsute above/
5. hispid above/

#256. Peduncle <apical expansion>/
1. cylindrical at apex/
2. widened at apex/
3. expanded into a conical flask at apex/
4. tipped by a glumaceous appendage <of uncertain homology <see also subtending leaf, indeterminate bracts within inflorescence, and basal sterile spikelets>>/

#257. Peduncle <persistence>/
1. persistent <on culm> <<implicit>>/
2. fracturing <part way along>/
3. disarticulating <with all or part of the inflorescence>/

#258. Peduncle disarticulating <with uppermost sheath>/
1. above uppermost sheath/
2. below uppermost sheaths <or spatheole>/

#259. Peduncle base <shape - if disarticulating and leafless>/
1. blunt/
2. pungent/


#260. Panicle <type>/
1. open/
2. contracted/
3. spiciform/
4. glomerate/
5. capitate/

#261. Panicle <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. pyramidal/
7. globose/
8. obovate/
9. corymbose/

#262. Panicle <interruption>/
1. continuous <confluent if glomerate>/
2. interrupted/

#263. Panicle <density>/
1. dense/
2. loose/
3. effuse/

#264. Panicle <taper - if spiciform>/
1. truncate or rounded at the ends <<implicit>>/
2. tapering above/
3. tapering below/

#265. Panicle <one-sided>/
1. equilateral <<implicit>>/
2. nodding <to one side>/
3. secund/

#266. Panicle <straightness>/
1. straight/
2. curved/
3. flexuous/

#267. Panicle <length>/
cm long/

#268. Panicle <width>/
cm wide/

#269. Panicle <fraction of culm length>/
of <total> culm length/

#270. Panicle bearing <sparse>/
1. many spikelets <<implicit>>/
2. few spikelets <few enough to count>/

#271. Panicle <spikelet distribution <if open or contracted, but not raceme-tipped>>/
1. evenly furnished <with spikelets> <<implicit>>/
2. contracted about primary branches/
3. contracted about secondary branches/
4. with spikelets clumped along branches/
5. gathered into fascicles/
6. with spikelets clustered towards branch tips/

#272. Primary panicle branches <accrescence>/
1. free <<implicit>>/
2. accrescent to a central axis/

#273. Primary panicle branches <or clusters - number>/
in number/

#274. Primary panicle branches <development - if accrescent to a central axis. <Rest of branches inapplicable, but see central axis>>/
1. with evident branchlets on axis/
2. with lateral <branch or pedicel> stumps on axis/
3. with sessile scars on axis/

#275. Primary panicle branches <carriage>/
1. appressed <erect>/
2. ascending/
3. spreading/
4. drooping/
5. reflexed/

#276. Primary panicle branches <spacing>/
1. closely spaced/
2. moderately spaced/
3. distant/

#277. Primary panicle branches <number at lowest node>/

#278. Primary panicle branches <whorled>/
1. not whorled <<implicit>>/
2. whorled at lower nodes <only>/
3. whorled at most nodes/

#279. Primary panicle branches <amount of branching> <<ordered>>/
1. indistinct the panicle almost racemose/
2. simple/
3. sparsely divided/
4. moderately divided <<implicit>>/
5. profusely divided/

#280. Primary panicle branches subdividing <orders of branching>/
times <not counting pedicels>/

#281. Primary panicle branches branching <type of branching>/
1. laterally <<implicit>>/
2. dichotomously <dividing into equal parts>/
3. divaricately <widely divergent>/

#282. Primary panicle branches rebranched <origin of proximal secondary branches>/
1. near base/
2. below middle/
3. at middle/
4. above middle/

#283. Primary panicle branches <length>/
cm long/

#284. Primary panicle branches with lower <length as fraction of panicle>/
length of panicle/

#285. Primary panicle branches bearing <number of spikelets>/
fertile spikelets on each lower branch/

#286. Primary panicle branches <naked or sterile below - if open or contracted>/
1. naked below <<implicit>>/
2. bearing spikelets almost to the base/
3. bearing sterile spikelets below, fertile at tip/
4. elongating after flowering/

#287. Primary panicle branches <presence of sterile branches>/
1. without sterile bristles <<implicit>>/
2. sterile at the tips <with or without other sterile branches>/
3. <wholly> sterile at lowest node/

#288. Panicle axis <conspicuousness>/
1. dominant/
2. distinct/
3. differing little from branches/

#289. Panicle axis <number of nodes>/

#290. Panicle axis with lower internodes <length>/
cm long/

#291. Panicle axis <transverse section>/
1. terete/
2. with rounded ribs/
3. angular <or long angular ribs>/
4. with briefly decurrent <angular> ribs/
5. flat/

#292. Panicle axis <presence of glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#293. Panicle axis <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth/
2. with occasional prickles/
3. scaberulous/
4. <antrorsely> scabrous/
5. retrorsely scabrous/
6. tuberculate/

#294. Panicle axis <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. with scattered hairs/
2. glabrous <<implicit>>/
3. puberulous/
4. pubescent/
5. pilose/
6. hirsute/
7. villous/
8. plumose/
9. hispidulous/
10. hispid/

#295. Panicle axis with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. hooked hairs/
4. capitate hairs/
5. clavellate hairs/

#296. Panicle axis bearing <persistence of branches>/
1. persistent branches <but may be tipped by a fragile raceme> <<implicit>>/
2. deciduous <elongated> branches/
3. deciduous spikelet clusters <or involucres>/

#297. Panicle branches <stiffness>/
1. stiff/
2. flexible <<implicit>>/
3. capillary/

#298. Panicle branches <curvature>/
1. straight/
2. arcuate/
3. flexuous/
4. sinuous/
5. zig-zag/
6. tangled/
7. abruptly recurved near tip/

#299. Panicle branches <transverse section>/
1. terete/
2. channelled/
3. angular/
4. flat/

#300. Panicle branches <apical expansion, usually when bearing racemes>/
1. parallel-sided/
2. apically expanded/

#301. Panicle branches <whether secund>/
1. multilateral <or irregular>/
2. secund/

#302. Panicle branches bearing <spikelet density>/
1. congested spikelets/
2. approximate spikelets/
3. distant spikelets/
4. the terminal spikelet distant on a long pedicel/

#303. Panicle branches <presence of sessile glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#304. Panicle branches <exudate>/
1. without exudate <<implicit>>/
2. pruinose/
3. viscid/
4. resinous/

#305. Panicle branches <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth/
2. with occasional prickles/
3. scaberulous/
4. <antrorsely> scabrous/
5. retrorsely scabrous/
6. tuberculate/

#306. Panicle branches rough <where>/
1. proximally/
2. throughout/
3. distally/

#307. Panicle branches <surface indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. with scattered hairs/
2. glabrous <<implicit>>/
3. puberulous/
4. pubescent/
5. pilose/
6. hirsute/
7. villous/
8. plumose/
9. hispidulous/
10. hispid/

#308. Panicle branches hairy <where>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. at tip/

#309. Panicle branches with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. hooked hairs/
4. capitate hairs/
5. clavellate hairs/
6. turgid hairs/

#310. Panicle branches <axillary hairs>/
1. glabrous in axils/
2. pubescent in axils/
3. bearded in axils/

#311. Panicle branches <presence of pulvini>/
1. with insignificant pulvini/
2. with prominent pulvini/

#312. Panicle branches terminating in a <bristle length if sterile only at tip (not involucral)>/
mm long bristle/


#313. Racemes <numerous>/
1. few <up to 30> <<implicit>>/
2. numerous/

#314. Racemes <number>/

#315. Racemes <disposition>/
1. single/
2. paired/
3. digitate/
4. borne along a central axis/

#316. Racemes <spacing>/
1. simply spaced <in 1 whorl or moderately dispersed> <<implicit>>/
2. the lowest whorled <the rest scattered>/
3. in several whorls/
4. distant/
5. closely spaced/

#317. Racemes <compaction>/
1. not compacted <<implicit>>/
2. in a unilateral false spike/
3. in a bilateral false spike/
4. in a multilateral false spike/
5. in an interrupted false spike/
6. in a head/

#318. Racemes <special cases if paired or digitate>/
1. side by side <<implicit>>/
2. end to end/
3. appressed back to back/
4. intertwined/
5. with abortive upper raceme represented by a single sterile spikelet/

#319. Racemes <carriage>/
1. sunken/
2. appressed/
3. erect/
4. ascending <<implicit>>/
5. spreading <horizontally>/
6. radiating <in all directions>/
7. drooping/
8. deflexed/

#320. Racemes <outline>/
1. linear <<implicit>>/
2. moniliform/
3. lanceolate/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. globose/
7. obovate/
8. clavate/
9. cuneate/

#321. Racemes <curvature>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. arcuate/
3. flexuous/
4. sinuous <or zig-zag>/
5. incurved/
6. corkscrew spiralled/
7. watch-spring spiralled/

#322. Racemes <whether cylindrical, the spikelets flush with internodes to form a rat tail>/
1. ragged <<implicit>>/
2. smoothly terete/

#323. Racemes <number of sides bearing fertile spikelets>/
1. unilateral/
2. bilateral/
3. paucilateral <indefinite or irregular>/
4. multilateral <bottle-brush>/

#324. Racemes <length>/
cm long/

#325. Racemes <width, including spikelets>/
mm wide/

#326. Racemes bearing <few or many spikelets>/
1. 1 spikelet <of any kind>/
2. a triad of spikelets <usually 1 fertile, 2 sterile>/
3. few fertile spikelets/
4. many spikelets <<implicit>>/

#327. Racemes bearing <number of fertile spikelets if few>/
fertile spikelets on each/

#328. Racemes <presence of secondary branches>/
1. simple <<implicit>>/
2. with branchlets <only> at base of longer racemes/
3. secondarily branched/

#329. Racemes <with> secondary branches <shape>/
1. racemulose/
2. glomerate/
3. involucral/

#330. Central inflorescence axis <length>/
cm long/

#331. Central inflorescence axis <consistency>/
1. unspecialized <terete or angular> <<implicit>>/
2. flattened <but not foliaceous>/
3. winged/
4. foliaceous/
5. corky/
6. woody/

#332. Central inflorescence axis <fragility>/
1. tough <<implicit>>/
2. fracturing into irregular segments/
3. disarticulating at nodes/

#333. Central inflorescence axis <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. with scattered hairs/
2. glabrous/
3. puberulous/
4. pubescent/
5. pilose/
6. hirsute/
7. villous/
8. hispid/

#334. Central inflorescence axis tip <shape>/
1. without extension <<implicit>>/
2. with blunt extension/
3. subulate/
4. filiform/
5. spinose/

#335. Rhachis <presence>/
1. evident <above lowest spikelet> <<implicit>>/
2. obsolete <raceme-base may be present>/

#336. Rhachis <fragility>/
1. tough <or obsolete> <<implicit>>/
2. fracturing into irregular segments/
3. fragile at the nodes/
4. fragile but the lowest <fertile> internode fused to peduncle/

#337. Rhachis <including raceme-base - persistence <if tough but not single>>/
1. persistent <<implicit>>/
2. deciduous from axis/

#338. Rhachis <persistence of secondary branches>/
1. with persistent <on the rhachis> secondary branchlets <<implicit>>/
2. with separately deciduous secondary branchlets/

#339. Rhachis <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. narrowly winged/
3. broadly winged <wider than midrib>/

#340. Rhachis <consistency - if broadly winged>/
1. membranous/
2. herbaceous <<implicit>>/
3. foliaceous/

#341. Rhachis <folding - if winged>/
1. not appreciably folded <<implicit>>/
2. folded longitudinally to embrace spikelets/
3. folded transversely to form a capsule/
4. forming pockets/

#342. Rhachis with <shape of midrib if winged>/
1. sharp-edged midrib/
2. rounded midrib/

#343. Rhachis <cross-section - inapplicable if broadly winged>/
1. flattened/
2. angular <including triquetrous>/
3. subterete/
4. semiterete <flat or slightly hollowed on one face>/
5. subcylindrical and excavated/
6. enlarged into a woody cob/

#344. Rhachis <width>/
mm wide/

#345. Rhachis <colour <comment on actual colour>>/
1. light-coloured/
2. drab <green or stramineous> <<implicit>>/
3. dark-coloured/

#346. Rhachis <surface roughness>/
1. smooth on surface/
2. scabrous on surface/

#347. Rhachis <surface indumentum - see also pedicel stump indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. with scattered hairs/
2. glabrous on surface/
3. puberulous on surface/
4. pubescent on surface/
5. pilose on surface/
6. hirsute on surface/
7. villous on surface/
8. plumose on surface/
9. woolly on surface/

#348. Rhachis <marginal or edge roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth on margins/
2. scaberulous on margins/
3. scabrous on margins/
4. spinulose on margins/
5. tuberculate on margins/

#349. Rhachis <marginal or edge hairs> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous on margins/
2. pubescent on margins/
3. ciliate on margins/
4. villous on margins/
5. plumose on margins/
6. setose on margins/

#350. Rhachis terminating in a <presence of sterile tip>/
1. spikelet <fertile or underdeveloped (incl terminal triplet in Andropogoneae)> <<implicit>>/
2. <modified> sterile spikelet/
3. barren extension/

#351. Rhachis extension <shape>/
1. inconspicuous/
2. flattened/
3. subulate/
4. bristle-like/
5. a forked bristle/
6. a fan of bristles/

#352. Rhachis extension <length>/
mm long/

#353. Rhachis hairs <above or below on internode>/
1. evenly distributed/
2. lengthening towards internode tip/
3. mainly at internode tip/
4. on upper part of internode/
5. on lower part of internode/

#354. Rhachis hairs <on how many margins or edges>/
1. on 1 margin/
2. on 2 margins/
3. on 3 margins/

#355. Rhachis hairs <colour of principal hairs>/
1. white/
2. grey/
3. yellow/
4. tawny/
5. dark brown/
6. red/
7. purple/

#356. Rhachis hairs <length of principal hairs>/
mm long/

#357. Spikelet packing <orientation relative to lower glume - if unambiguous>/
1. adaxial/
2. abaxial/
3. alternately adaxial and abaxial <Thrasya>/
4. broadside to rhachis/

#358. Spikelet packing <whether opposite - if bilateral>/
1. alternate <<implicit>>/
2. opposite/

#359. Spikelet packing <density>/
1. crowded/
2. contiguous <<implicit>>/
3. lax/
4. distant/

#360. Spikelet packing with <equality of internodes>/
1. subequal internodes <<implicit>>/
2. lowest <fertile> internode elongated/
3. upper internodes elongated/

#361. Spikelet packing <per cm>/
spikelets per cm/

#362. Spikelet packing <distance between spikelets in same row <comment if ambiguous> as a fraction of their length>/
their length apart/

#363. Spikelet packing <regularity of rows>/
1. irregular/
2. regular/

#364. Spikelet packing <number of rows if evident>/

Internode and raceme-base (Mainly Andropogoneae)

#365. Rhachis internodes <shape>/
1. indefinite <rhachis continuous without evident segments <length then measured between origins of pedicels or pedicel groups>> <<implicit>>/
2. filiform/
3. linear/
4. columnar <cultrate>/
5. oblong/
6. clavate <linear below, widening above <but tip scored separately>>/
7. cuneate/
8. pyriform/
9. inflated/
10. hour-glass shaped/

#366. Rhachis internodes <length>/
mm long/

#367. Rhachis internodes <length as fraction of spikelet>/
length of fertile spikelet/

#368. Rhachis internodes <abscission mode - if fragile>/
1. falling with spikelet alongside <<implicit>>/
2. falling with spikelet above/
3. falling in segments of 1—2 fertile nodes surmounted by 1—3 nodes of sterile spikelets, these alternating along the raceme/

#369. Rhachis internodes <special cases - if fragile>/
1. unspecialized <<implicit>>/
2. flat and forming a U or V shape with the pedicel in rear view/
3. with a basal circular pore between internode and pedicel/
4. together with the pedicel framing edges of sessile spikelets/
5. adherent to upper glume of sessile spikelet/
6. bearing a sterile companion laterally <its pedicel fused to and shorter than internode>/
7. with the lower <fertile> often bearing triads <instead of a pair>/

#370. Rhachis internode tip <shape>/
1. not enlarged <relative to body of internode>/
2. clavate <gradually widening>/
3. pyriform/
4. discoid/

#371. Rhachis internode tip <obliquity>/
1. transverse/
2. oblique/

#372. Rhachis internode tip <concavity>/
1. flat/
2. cupuliform/
3. crateriform/
4. notched/

#373. Rhachis internode tip with <rim features>/
1. simple rim/
2. lobed rim/
3. scarious rim/
4. hairy rim/

#374. Raceme-bases <shape - of partial peduncle or naked rhachis supporting individual racemes, when more than one>/
1. brief <insignificant but sometimes bearing ornamentation> <<implicit>>/
2. filiform/
3. linear/
4. cuneate/
5. flattened <strap-shaped>/
6. swollen/

#375. Raceme-bases <branching - if racemes digitate>/
1. simple <<implicit>>/
2. dichotomously branched/

#376. Raceme-bases <equality>/
1. subequal/
2. unequal (the longer measured)/

#377. Raceme-bases <length>/
mm long/

#378. Raceme-bases <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. pilose/
4. hirsute/
5. plumose/
6. stiffly setose/

#379. Raceme-bases hairy <where>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. at tip/
3. on margins/
4. at base/
5. in axils/

#380. Raceme-bases with <hair length>/
mm long hairs/

#381. Raceme-bases <presence of appendage>/
1. unappendaged <<implicit>>/
2. scariously rimmed/
3. shortly lobed/
4. extended into an oblong appendage/
5. extended into a flask-like appendage/

#382. Raceme-bases with <length of appendage>/
mm long appendage/

#383. Raceme-bases <persistence>/
1. persistent <on plant>/
2. shed with the raceme/

#384. Raceme-bases <shape of base - if deciduous>/
1. truncate/
2. obtuse/
3. acute/
4. pungent/


#385. Sexes <segregation - if monoecious on same inflorescence>/
1. mixed/
2. segregated/

#386. Sexes <segregated> on <same or separate branches>/
1. unisexual branches/
2. bisexual branches/

#387. Sexes with male <above or below - if segregated>/
1. above/
2. conjugate <unisexual branches at same level>/
3. below/

#388. Sexes with <number of male spikelets>/
male spikelets per branch/

#389. Spikelets <inclination relative to branch>/
1. embracing internode/
2. sunken/
3. squeezed between internode and pedicel <Andropogoneae - if pedicel free>/
4. appressed/
5. ascending/
6. spreading/
7. pectinate/
8. pendulous/
9. deflexed/

#390. Spikelets <kinds of cluster. The clusters may include sterile and monoecious male spikelets. A deciduous inflorescence does not count as a single cluster, but may contain clusters. <Inapplicable if bractiferous>>/
1. solitary/
2. in pairs <may include barren pedicels>/
3. in threes <not counting terminal triplet in a raceme of paired spikelets>/
4. clustered at each node <more than 3 spikelets, but not involucral>/
5. in a cluster of closely packed nodes/
6. subtended by an involucre <may be of only a few bristles or sterile spikelets; not counting basal sterile spikelets>/

#391. Fertile spikelets <presence of pedicels, which may be connate>/
1. sessile <or subsessile with pedicel represented by a brief stump>/
2. sessile and pedicelled/
3. pedicelled/

#392. Fertile spikelets <number in cluster>/
in the cluster/

#393. Fertile spikelets <similarity, other than size>/
1. all alike <<implicit>>/
2. heteromorphic <<comment on difference. Treated as companion in Andropogon allies if otherwise resembling sterile pedicelled spikelets>>/

#394. Fertile spikelets <equality if clustered>/
1. subequal/
2. the upper smaller/
3. the lower smaller/
4. the lateral <when level> smaller/
5. the central <when level> smaller/

#395. Fertile spikelets <relative pedicel length, if clustered with pedicelled sterile (or male) spikelets>/
1. on shorter pedicels than sterile/
2. on similar pedicels to sterile/
3. on longer pedicels than sterile/

#396. Fertile spikelets <number of sessile in cluster, if some fertile spikelets pedicelled>/

#397. Companion sterile spikelets <presence of pedicels>/
1. sessile/
2. sessile & pedicelled/
3. pedicelled/

#398. Companion sterile spikelets <number in cluster>/
in the cluster/

#399. Male spikelets <diclinous male, presence of pedicels>/
1. sessile/
2. sessile and pedicelled/
3. pedicelled/

#400. Male spikelets <number in cluster>/
in a cluster/

Involucre & bristles

#401. Involucre composed of <type>/
1. bristles <may include some sterile spikelets>/
2. imperfect spikelets <only - includes Anthephora>/

#402. Involucre <union of parts>/
1. free throughout <<implicit>>/
2. united into a herbaceous lobed scale/
3. connate into a disc below/
4. connate into a cup below/
5. with pedicels forming a cup/
6. with pedicels forming a long tube/

#403. Involucre with <length of disc or cup>/
mm connate/

#404. Involucre <shape of whole involucre> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. globose/
7. oblate/
8. obovate/
9. flabellate/
10. cuneate/

#405. Involucre <length overall, but excluding single emergent bristle when present>/
mm long/

#406. Involucre base <shape>/
1. truncate/
2. obtuse/
3. obconical/
4. bluntly stipitate/
5. pungently stipitate/

#407. Involucre base <length>/
mm long/

#408. Involucre base <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. pilose/
4. villous/

#409. Involucral bristles <persistence>/
1. persistent/
2. deciduous with the fertile spikelets/

#410. Involucral bristles <branching>/
1. simple <<implicit>>/
2. branched/

#411. Involucral bristles <few or many>/
1. few <<implicit>>/
2. numerous/

#412. Involucral bristles <whorls>/
1. in one whorl/
2. with an outer whorl of thinner bristles/
3. emerging irregularly from body of a burr/

#413. Involucral bristles <number>/
in principal whorl <excluding the whorl of short outer bristles, if present>/

#414. Involucral bristles <number per spikelet if assignable - spikelets include abortive ones>/
per spikelet/

#415. Involucral inner bristles <relative length of inner and outer>/
1. shorter than outer/
2. subequal to outer/
3. longer than outer/

#416. Involucral bristles <presence of 1 longer bristle>/
1. with longest bristle scarcely emergent/
2. with one conspicuously longer bristle/

#417. Involucral bristles <length above union of longest>/
mm long/

#418. Involucral bristles <flattening>/
1. terete/
2. flattened/
3. expanded <narrowly elliptic and cartilaginous>/

#419. Involucral bristles <presence of grooves>/
1. without grooves/
2. grooved on the face/

#420. Involucral bristles <stiffness>/
1. flexible/
2. rigid/

#421. Involucral bristles <exudate>/
1. without exudate <<implicit>>/
2. viscid/

#422. Involucral bristles <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. antrorsely scaberulous <only>/
3. retrorsely scaberulous <at least partly>/

#423. Involucral bristles retrorse <whether wholly or partly>/
1. entirely/
2. above, antrorse below/
3. mingled with antrorse scabridity/

#424. Involucral bristles <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. ciliate <or pilose>/
4. villous/
5. plumose/
6. woolly/

#425. Involucral bristles <shape of tip>/
1. obtuse/
2. acute/
3. spinose/
4. attenuate <<implicit>>/


#426. Pedicels <presence. Refers to principal pedicels - usually supporting sterile spikelets in Andropogoneae <clarify in comment if ambiguous>. Not counting basal sterile spikelets>>/
1. absent <or square and inconspicuous> <<implicit>>/
2. present <or square and ornamented>/

#427. Pedicels <fusion>/
1. free <<implicit>>/
2. adnate at the base to lower glume of sessile spikelet/
3. with the longest <of several> adnate below to <unjointed> rhachis/
4. fused to internode/
5. fused to each other/

#428. Pedicels united <how much - if fused to internode or each other>/
1. wholly/
2. along margins <or some of them. When fused to each other>/
3. at tip/
4. below/

#429. Pedicels <shape>/
1. filiform/
2. linear/
3. columnar <cultrate>/
4. oblong/
5. narrowly elliptic/
6. clavate <linear below, widening above <but tip scored separately>>/
7. cuneate/
8. pyriform/
9. inflated/
10. reduced to a stump <but bearing ornamentation, the spikelets subsessile>/

#430. Pedicels <transverse section>/
1. terete/
2. semiterete/
3. angular/
4. flattened/
5. foliaceous/

#431. Pedicels <curvature>/
1. straight/
2. curved/
3. flexuous/
4. sinuous/
5. recurved/

#432. Pedicels <equality>/
1. subequal/
2. unequal/

#433. Pedicels <length; generally of principals in a raceme or laterals in a panicle>/
mm long/

#434. Pedicels <length as fraction of fertile spikelet>/
length of fertile spikelet/

#435. Pedicels <length as fraction of internode <mainly Andropogoneae>>/
length of internode/

#436. Pedicels <length of terminal if different>/
mm long at branch tip/

#437. Pedicels <presence of glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#438. Pedicels <presence of translucent median line>/
1. without a translucent median line <<implicit>>/
2. with a translucent median line (also present in internodes)/

#439. Pedicels <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/

#440. Pedicels <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. bearing a few <long> hairs/
2. glabrous/
3. puberulous/
4. pubescent/
5. ciliate <or pilose>/
6. villous/
7. plumose/
8. setose/

#441. Pedicels hairy <at tip or base>/
1. all along/
2. all along but hairs longer above/
3. at tip <only>/
4. above/
5. in the middle/
6. below/
7. at base/

#442. Pedicels hairy on <surface or margins>/
1. surface/
2. margins <more than 1>/
3. one margin/

#443. Pedicels with <hair colour>/
1. white hairs/
2. grey hairs/
3. yellow hairs/
4. tawny hairs/
5. dark brown hairs/
6. red hairs/
7. purple hairs/

#444. Pedicels with <length of hairs>/
mm long hairs/

#445. Pedicels <with> tip <shape>/
1. rectangular/
2. oblique/
3. widened <but shape indefinite>/
4. discoid/
5. cupuliform/
6. globular/
7. pyriform/
8. lobed/

#446. Pedicels <presence of appengages>/
1. without appendage <<implicit>>/
2. winged/
3. auriculate <laterally>/
4. toothed <a distinct apical tooth, as opposed to irregular lobes>/
5. bibracteate <Oryza>/

STERILE SPIKELETS. Basal (especially homogamous pairs of Andropogoneae)

#447. Basal sterile spikelets <presence at base of inflorescence or individual racemes, but excluding companions in isolated triads>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. represented by a single scale <glume or vestige>/
3. rudimentary <but of several scales>/
4. well-developed/

Typically the homogamous pairs of Andropogoneae, but sometimes occurring in other tribes.

#448. Basal sterile spikelets <number in inflorescence; or lower raceme when more than 1 <but indicate this in comment>>/
in number/

#449. Basal sterile spikelets <number in upper raceme>/
in upper raceme/

#450. Basal sterile spikelets <whether clustered>/
1. single/
2. paired/
3. paired with a fertile pedicelled spikelet <but confined to base so not regular companions>/

#451. Basal sterile spikelets <whether involucral>/
1. not involucral <<implicit>>/
2. forming an involucre about the fertile/

#452. Basal sterile spikelets <special internodes>/
1. with normal internodes <<implicit>>/
2. with both pairs arising at about the same level/
3. with swollen internode in lower raceme/

#453. Basal sterile spikelets <presence of pedicels>/
1. subsessile <pedicels at most square>/
2. sessile and pedicelled/
3. pedicelled/

#454. Basal sterile spikelets <persistence>/
1. persistent <or tardily deciduous> <<implicit>>/
2. deciduous with the fertile/
3. separately deciduous/

#455. Basal sterile spikelet pedicels <fusion to internode>/
1. free <<implicit>>/
2. fused to internode in lower raceme/

#456. Basal sterile spikelet pedicels <shape>/
1. linear/
2. oblong/
3. swollen <barrel-shaped> in lower raceme/
4. square/

#457. Basal sterile spikelet pedicels <length>/
mm long/

#458. Basal sterile spikelets <sex, if well-developed>/
1. barren/
2. male/

#459. Basal sterile spikelets <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. orbicular/
7. oblate/
8. obovate/
9. flabellate/
10. cuneate/

#460. Basal sterile spikelets <length>/
mm long/

#461. Basal sterile spikelets <size relative to fertile>/
1. smaller than fertile/
2. equalling fertile/
3. larger than fertile/

#462. Basal sterile spikelet glumes <consistency of lower or only glume>/
1. membranous/
2. chartaceous/
3. herbaceous/
4. scarious/
5. cartilaginous/
6. coriaceous/
7. indurate/

#463. Basal sterile spikelet glumes <presence of wing>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged on keel/
3. winged on margins/

#464. Basal sterile spikelet glumes <presence of depressions>/
1. without depressions <<implicit>>/
2. pitted/
3. lacunose/

#465. Basal sterile spikelet glumes <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. tuberculate/
5. rugose/

#466. Basal sterile spikelet glumes <surface indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. pilose/
4. hirsute/
5. villous/
6. setose/

#467. Basal sterile spikelet glumes with <hair colour>/
1. white hairs/
2. grey hairs/
3. yellow hairs/
4. tawny hairs/
5. dark brown hairs/
6. red hairs/
7. purple hairs/

#468. Basal sterile spikelet glumes <marginal vesture>/
1. smooth on margins/
2. scabrous on margins/
3. tuberculate on margins/
4. ciliate on margins/
5. setose on margins/

#469. Basal sterile spikelet glumes <shape of apex>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. attenuate/
7. setaceously attenuate/

#470. Basal sterile spikelet lower glume <presence of awn>/
1. muticous/
2. mucronate/
3. awned/

#471. Basal sterile spikelet lemmas <presence of awn>/
1. awnless/
2. awned/

Companion (especially pedicelled spikelets of Andropogoneae)

#472. Companion sterile spikelets <presence, accompanying fertile spikelets in body of inflorescence <Include isolated triads and barren pedicels. May occasionally be fertile in Andropogon allies.>>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. represented by barren pedicels/
3. represented by awns <<record only number of awns, spikelet length and persistence, glume surface indumentum>>/
4. represented by single glumes/
5. rudimentary <as to size>/
6. well-developed/

Companion sterile spikelet refers to a male or barren spikelet accompanying fertile spikelets in the body of the inflorescence. Typically the pedicelled spikelets of Andropogoneae, but extending to comparable arrangements in a few other tribes. They are sometimes reduced to barren pedicels; or, in some Andropogon allies with apparently typical pedicelled spikelets, occasionally contain a fertile floret. They do not include the strictly male spikelets of diclinous inflorescences.

#473. Companion sterile spikelets comprising <number of awn-like scales>/
1. 1 awn/
2. 2 awns/
3. a tuft of awns/

#474. Companion sterile spikelets <presence of lemmas - if applicable>/
1. comprising 2 unequal glumes without lemmas/
2. comprising 2 subequal glumes without lemmas/
3. containing empty lemmas/
4. male/
5. bisexual <but otherwise resembling the sterile spikelet of Andropogoneae>/
6. female/

Companion sterile spikelet refers to a male or barren spikelet accompanying fertile spikelets in the body of the inflorescence. Typically the pedicelled spikelets of Andropogoneae, but extending to comparable arrangements in a few other tribes. They are sometimes reduced to barren pedicels; or, in some Andropogon allies with apparently typical pedicelled spikelets, occasionally contain a fertile floret. They do not include the strictly male spikelets of diclinous inflorescences.

#475. Companion sterile spikelets <outline, unless awn-like> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. orbicular/
7. oblate/
8. obovate/
9. flabellate/
10. cuneate/

#476. Companion sterile spikelets <symmetry>/
1. symmetrical/
2. asymmetrical/

#477. Companion sterile spikelets <compression - if developed>/
1. laterally compressed/
2. subterete/
3. dorsally compressed/

#478. Companion sterile spikelets <length; including awn-like spikelets>/
mm long/

#479. Companion sterile spikelets <length relative to fertile, unless awn-like>/
1. shorter than fertile/
2. as long as fertile/
3. longer than fertile/

#480. Companion sterile spikelets <persistence>/
1. persistent/
2. deciduous with the fertile <of its own segment when racemose>/
3. fused to and deciduous with fertile spikelet belonging to segment above/
4. separately deciduous/

#481. Companion sterile spikelet callus <presence>/
1. indistinct <<implicit>>/
2. square/
3. oblong/
4. cuneate/
5. linear/

#482. Companion sterile spikelet callus <length>/
mm long/

#483. Companion sterile spikelet callus <shape of base>/
1. 2-toothed/
2. emarginate/
3. truncate/
4. obtuse/
5. acute/
6. pungent/

#484. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <union>/
1. free/
2. united below/

#485. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <equality of width>/
1. similar in width/
2. markedly unequal in width/

#486. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <lower or only glume - consistency>/
1. membranous/
2. chartaceous/
3. herbaceous/
4. cartilaginous/
5. coriaceous/
6. indurate/
7. subulate <<apical characters inapplicable>>/

#487. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <consistency of margins>/
1. similar <consistency> on margins <<implicit>>/
2. thinner on margins/
3. thicker on margins/

#488. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <length>/
mm long/

#489. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <presence of glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#490. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <presence of keels>/
1. without keels/
2. keeled/

#491. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged on keels/
3. winged on margins/

#492. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <vein distinctness>/
1. inconspicuously veined/
2. distinctly veined/
3. ribbed/

#493. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <vein number>/

#494. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <presence of depressions>/
1. without depressions <<implicit>>/
2. pitted/
3. lacunose/
4. sulcate/
5. concave/

#495. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <surface roughness, incl awn-like spikelets> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/
5. tuberculate/
6. muricate/
7. rugose/

#496. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <surface indumentum, incl awn-like spikelets> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. villous/
7. plumose/
8. setose/

#497. Companion sterile spikelet glumes with <hair colour>/
1. white hairs <<implicit>>/
2. grey hairs/
3. yellow hairs/
4. tawny hairs/
5. dark brown hairs/
6. red hairs/
7. purple hairs/

#498. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <marginal roughness>/
1. smooth on margins/
2. scaberulous on margins/
3. scabrous on margins/
4. spinulose on margins/
5. tuberculate on margins/

#499. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <marginal hairs>/
1. eciliate on margins/
2. ciliolate on margins/
3. ciliate on margins/
4. setose on margins/

#500. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <incision>/
1. entire/
2. erose/
3. dentate/
4. lobed/

#501. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <number of teeth or lobes>/

#502. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <shape of apex> <<ordered>>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. attenuate/
7. setaceously attenuate/
8. caudate/

#503. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <presence of awn>/
1. muticous/
2. pungent/
3. mucronate/
4. awned/

#504. Companion sterile spikelet glumes <number of awns, if both glumes present>/
1. one glume awned/
2. both glumes awned/
3. several-awned <more than 1 per glume>/

#505. Companion sterile spikelet glumes with <awn length>/
mm long awn/

#506. Companion sterile spikelet glumes awn <whether hairy>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. pubescent/
3. ciliate/
4. plumose/

#507. Companion sterile spikelet lemmas <number>/

#508. Companion sterile spikelet lemmas <exsertion>/
1. exserted from glumes/
2. enclosed by glumes/

#509. Companion sterile spikelet lemmas <length>/
mm long/

#510. Companion sterile spikelet lemmas <incision>/
1. entire/
2. dentate/
3. lobed/

#511. Companion sterile spikelet lemmas <presence of awns>/
1. muticous/
2. 1-awned/
3. several-awned/

#512. Companion sterile spikelet lemmas with <awn length>/
mm long awn/

Apical (usually as a terminal tail)

#513. Apical sterile spikelets <presence at apex of inflorescence or individual racemes, but excluding companions forming pairs or triads with fertile spikelets>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. awn-like/
3. rudimentary <much smaller than fertile>/
4. barren <with well developed glumes>/
5. male/

#514. Apical sterile spikelets <number>/
in number/

#515. Apical sterile spikelets <continuity with fertile portion>/
1. continuous with fertile portion of inflorescence/
2. abruptly narrower than fertile portion of inflorescence/

#516. Apical sterile spikelets <length>/
mm long/


#517. Spikelets comprising <number of basal sterile florets or vestiges, if present>/
basal sterile florets/

#518. Spikelets comprising <number of fertile florets>/
fertile florets/

#519. Spikelets <presence of apical florets>/
1. without rhachilla extension <beyond uppermost fertile floret>/
2. with a barren rhachilla extension/
3. with diminished <sterile or smaller> florets at the apex/

#520. Spikelets <key couplet for 1-flowered groups> <<mandatory>>/
1. of 1 fertile floret with or without additional sterile florets/
2. of 2 or more fertile florets/

#521. Spikelets <key couplet for panicoid> <<mandatory>>/
1. two-flowered - the lower floret male or barren, the upper fertile <rarely with rhachilla extension or rudiment>/
2. one-many-flowered - if two-flowered then both fertile or the upper sterile/

#522. Spikelets <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. orbicular/
7. oblate/
8. obovate/
9. oblanceolate/
10. rhomboid <incl scutate, pentagonal>/
11. cuneate/

#523. Spikelets <comparative width of outline>/
1. narrowly proportioned/
2. moderately proportioned <<implicit>>/
3. broadly proportioned/

#524. Spikelets <distinctive solid shape>/
1. of unremarkable solid shape <<implicit>>/
2. thorn-like/
3. fusiform/
4. turbinate/
5. urceolate/
6. cochleate/
7. hemispherical/
8. globose/

#525. Spikelets with <shape of base above callus>/
1. cordate base/
2. truncate base/
3. obtuse base/
4. acute base/
5. attenuate base/

#526. Spikelets <straightness>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. curved/
3. tilted on the pedicel/

#527. Spikelets <compression of fertile> <<mandatory>>/
1. laterally compressed/
2. subterete/
3. dorsally compressed/

#528. Spikelets compressed <how much>/
1. slightly <spikelets plump>/
2. moderately <<implicit>>/
3. strongly/

#529. Spikelets <profile curvature>/
1. symmetrical <<implicit>>/
2. gibbous/
3. turgidly plano-convex <the flat side slightly gibbous>/
4. plano-convex/
5. concavo-convex/

#530. Spikelets <shape of apex> <<ordered>>/
1. truncate/
2. obtuse/
3. subacute/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. cuspidate/
7. rostrate/
8. caudate/

#531. Spikelets <length>/
mm long/

#532. Spikelets <width>/
mm wide/

#533. Spikelets with hairs extending <length of hairs, if any, beyond apex>/
mm beyond apex/

#534. Spikelets <abscission> <<mandatory>>/
1. persistent on plant <cereals>/
2. falling entire/
3. breaking up at maturity/

#535. Spikelets deciduous <site of abscission - if falling entire>/
1. from the base <<implicit>>/
2. with the <whole> pedicel <but no other organ; excluding partial attachment (some Polypogon) which is treated as a callus.>/
3. in a cluster with fused pedicels <and sometimes a basal extension, but no other organ>/
4. with accessory branch structures/

When a pedicellate spikelet falls entire, disarticulation normally occurs between the (long) pedicel which remains attached to the plant, and the (short) callus which falls with the spikelet. There is a homology problem when disarticulation occurs at the base of the apparent pedicel, for it seems perverse to call this a callus and the spikelet therefore sessile.

#536. Spikelets <secondary abscission - if falling entire>/
1. without secondary abscission <<implicit>>/
2. readily shedding glumes/
3. readily shedding fertile florets/
4. readily shedding apical florets/

#537. Pedicel base <shape - if falling attached to its spikelet (or cluster when pedicels fused)>/
1. truncate/
2. acute/
3. pungent/
4. hooked/

#538. Spikelets <rhachilla persistence - if spikelets break up>/
1. rhachilla deciduous <excepting glumes & sterile florets> <<implicit>>/
2. rhachilla persistent <at least proximally, until lemmas have been shed>/

#539. Spikelets disarticulating <where - if rhachilla deciduous>/
1. below each fertile floret <or below sterile if attached>/
2. between fertile florets but the lowest falling with glumes attached/
3. between fertile florets but the distal falling as a whole/
4. below groups of fertile florets/
5. above glumes but not between florets <when 2 or more fertile>/

#540. Spikelets <palea retention on persistent rhachilla>/
1. retaining paleas/
2. shedding paleas/

#541. Spikelets <extent of rhachilla persistence>/
1. tough throughout <<implicit>>/
2. fragile above/
3. becoming fragile after lemmas shed/

#542. Spikelets with the distal <fertile> florets <where disarticulating - if rhachilla partially persistent>/
1. disarticulating separately/
2. disarticulating into irregular segments/
3. falling as a whole/

#543. Spikelet callus <shape> <<ordered>>/
1. brief <<implicit>>/
2. square <as long as wide>/
3. oblong/
4. cuneate/
5. linear/
6. globular/
7. toroidal/

The spikelet callus forms the foot of the spikelet, which is sometimes extended as a short stipe. Do not confuse with floret callus.

#544. Spikelet callus <curvature>/
1. straight/
2. curved/

#545. Spikelet callus <whether adnate to glume>/
1. free from lower glume <<implicit>>/
2. incorporating lowest rhachilla internode with adnate lower glume/
3. supplemented by thickened base of upper glume/

#546. Spikelet callus <length>/
mm long/

#547. Spikelet callus <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. pilose/
4. bearded/

#548. Spikelet callus hairy <where>/
1. throughout/
2. above/
3. below/
4. on the sides/

#549. Spikelet callus base <shape>/
1. truncate/
2. obtuse/
3. acute/
4. pungent/
5. 2-toothed/

#550. Spikelet callus <presence of central peg - if truncate>/
1. simple <<implicit>>/
2. with central boss/
3. with central peg/

#551. Spikelet callus <angle of attachment>/
1. attached transversely/
2. attached obliquely/
3. inserted/

#552. Spikelet callus with <shape of scar>/
1. circular scar/
2. elliptic scar/
3. linear scar/

#553. Spikelet callus hairs <colour>/
1. white/
2. grey/
3. yellow/
4. tawny/
5. dark brown/
6. red/
7. purple/

#554. Spikelet callus hairs <length>/
mm long/

#555. Spikelet callus hairs <length as fraction of spikelet>/
length of spikelet/

Rhachilla internodes and floret callus

#556. Rhachilla internodes <elongation between glumes and lowest fertile floret>/
1. brief up to lowest fertile floret <<implicit>>/
2. elongated between glumes/
3. elongated below <proximal> basal sterile floret/
4. elongated between basal sterile florets <when more than 1>/
5. elongated below proximal fertile floret/

#557. Rhachilla elongation <thickness>/
1. stout/
2. slender/
3. sinuous but straightening at maturity to extrude floret/

#558. Rhachilla elongation <length>/
mm long/

#559. Rhachilla elongation <indumentum>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. scabrous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/

#560. Rhachilla internodes <presence between fertile florets - if more than 1>/
1. suppressed between <fertile> florets <these arising at about the same level>/
2. definite <between fertile florets <Subsequent characters refer to these internodes; for sterile terminal segments see rhachilla extension>> <<implicit>>/

#561. Rhachilla internodes <transverse section>/
1. terete/
2. angular/
3. compressed/
4. flattened/

#562. Rhachilla internodes <thickening>/
1. narrow <<implicit>>/
2. clavate/
3. thickened/
4. spongy and fused to embedded lemmas/

#563. Rhachilla internodes <alignment>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. curved/
3. zig-zag/
4. springy and forming a hair trap/

#564. Rhachilla internodes <length>/
mm long/

#565. Rhachilla internodes <visibility>/
1. obscured by lemmas/
2. eventually visible <entirely or partly> between lemmas/

#566. Rhachilla internodes <surface roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/

#567. Rhachilla internodes <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. sparsely hairy/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. villous/

#568. Rhachilla internodes hairy <extent>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. all along but hairs longer above/
3. at tip <only>/
4. above/
5. below/

#569. Rhachilla internodes with <hair length>/
mm long hairs/

#570. Floret callus <presence <a callus forms the foot of a deciduous floret (or of sterile florets if attached); the rhachilla internode, which falls with and alongside the floret, may be evident or obsolete>>/
1. brief <<implicit>>/
2. evident <not much longer than wide>/
3. elongated/

The callus forms the foot of a deciduous floret (or of sterile florets if attached). The rhachilla internode, which usually falls with and alongside the callus, may be evident or obsolete.

#571. Floret callus <curvature>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. curved/

#572. Floret callus <length>/
mm long/

#573. Floret callus <presence of wings>/
1. without wings <<implicit>>/
2. winged <or scarred>/
3. subtended by a fleshy frill/

#574. Floret callus with <type of wings>/
1. apical wings adnate to lemma/
2. apical wings shrivelled to concave scars <in dried state>/
3. apical wings reduced to convex swellings/
4. free apical wings/
5. lateral wings/

#575. Floret callus <with> these appendages <length of wings or frill>/
mm long/

#576. Floret callus <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. sparsely hairy/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. bearded/
6. woolly/

#577. Floret callus hairy <where>/
1. on the surface/
2. on the margins <dorsally subglabrous>/
3. in a ring above/
4. in a ring below/
5. in rings above and below/
6. in 1 tuft/
7. in 2 tufts/
8. in 4 tufts/

#578. Floret callus with <longer hairs where>/
1. subequal hairs/
2. longer hairs above/
3. longer hairs below/
4. longer hairs above and below/

#579. Floret callus <shape of base>/
1. truncate <or emarginate; not expanded>/
2. obtuse <<implicit>>/
3. acute/
4. pungent/
5. unequally 2-toothed <pungent tooth with lateral spur>/
6. 2-toothed/
7. expanded/

#580. Floret callus <disarticulation>/
1. disarticulating transversely/
2. disarticulating obliquely/
3. fracturing irregularly/

#581. Floret callus with <shape of scar>/
1. circular scar/
2. elliptic scar/
3. linear scar/

#582. Floret callus hairs <length>/
mm long/

#583. Floret callus hairs <length as fraction of lemma>/
length of lemma/


#584. Glumes <presence>/
1. both absent or obscure/
2. one the lower absent or obscure/
3. one the upper absent or obscure/
4. one to two the lower present in some spikelets <often the sessile of a pair>/
5. two <<implicit>>/
6. several <more than 2, or indefinite number in bamboos>/

#585. Glumes comprising <number of gemmiferous bracts between distal prophyll and empty glumes <bamboos>>/
gemmiferous bracts/

#586. Glumes <number>/
empty glumes/

#587. Glumes <whether lateral>/
1. distichous <<implicit>>/
2. lateral <opposite, but rotated with respect to lemma>/
3. oblique <not strictly opposite>/
4. collateral <side by side>/
5. whorled/

#588. Glumes <union>/
1. free <<implicit>>/
2. connate along margins below/

#589. Glumes <fraction connate>/
of their length connate/

#590. Glumes <persistence - if spikelets break up>/
1. persistent <on branch>/
2. lower persistent, upper deciduous/
3. lower deciduous, upper persistent/
4. <both> deciduous/
5. deciduous <together> with pedicel attached/

#591. Glumes <similarity, apart from some difference in size>/
1. similar <in shape, texture, etc>/
2. dissimilar/

#592. Glumes <relative width>/
1. with lower narrower than upper/
2. subequal in width/
3. with lower wider than upper/

#593. Glumes <length of longer relative to rest of spikelet, excluding awns>/
1. shorter than spikelet/
2. reaching apex of florets/
3. exceeding apex of florets/

#594. Glumes <consistency relative to fertile lemma>/
1. thinner than fertile lemma/
2. similar to fertile lemma in texture <<implicit>>/
3. firmer than fertile lemma/

#595. Glumes <sheen>/
1. dull <<implicit>>/
2. shiny/

#596. Glumes <divergence>/
1. incurved at apex/
2. parallel to lemmas <<implicit>>/
3. recurved at apex/
4. gaping/

#597. Lower glume <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. subulate <or bristle-like, with indefinite or briefly triangular body <apical characters inapplicable except for incision>>/
2. linear/
3. lanceolate/
4. elliptic/
5. oblong/
6. ovate/
7. orbicular/
8. oblate/
9. obovate/
10. flabellate/
11. cuneate/

#598. Lower glume <symmetry>/
1. symmetrical/
2. asymmetrical/

#599. Lower glume <clasping>/
1. not clasping/
2. clasping <base of spikelet to form a collar - mainly Paniceae>/
3. auriculate at base/

#600. Lower glume <gibbosity>/
1. not gibbous <<implicit>>/
2. gibbous/
3. saccate/

#601. Lower glume <length>/
mm long/

#602. Lower glume <length as fraction of upper>/
length of upper glume/

#603. Lower glume <length as fraction of spikelet (mainly Paniceae)>/
length of spikelet/

#604. Lower glume <consistency>/
1. hyaline/
2. membranous/
3. chartaceous/
4. herbaceous/
5. scarious/
6. cartilaginous/
7. coriaceous/
8. indurate/

#605. Lower glume <apical consistency>/
1. of similar consistency above <<implicit>>/
2. much thinner above/
3. firmer above/

#606. Lower glume <marginal consistency>/
1. of similar consistency on margins <<implicit>>/
2. much thinner on margins/
3. firmer on margins/

#607. Lower glume <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. yellow/
3. light green/
4. mid-green/
5. dark green/
6. glaucous/
7. grey/
8. light brown/
9. dark brown/
10. red/
11. purple/
12. black/

#608. Lower glume <presence of sessile glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#609. Lower glume <exudate>/
1. without exudate <<implicit>>/
2. viscid/
3. resinous/

#610. Lower glume <oil streaks>/
1. without oil streaks <<implicit>>/
2. with oil streaks/

#611. Lower glume <presence of keels>/
1. without keels/
2. 1-keeled/
3. 2-keeled <or inflexed>/

#612. Lower glume keel-less <extent>/
1. throughout/
2. except near apex/

#613. Lower glume keeled <extent>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. above/
3. below/

#614. Lower glume keeled <position - if 2-keeled>/
1. dorsally/
2. dorsally below, flaring to lateral above/
3. laterally/
4. frontally/

#615. Lower glume keeled <distinctness>/
1. sharply <<implicit>>/
2. obtusely <with abrupt flexion rather than sharp keel>/

#616. Lower glume <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged on keel/
3. winged on margins/

#617. Lower glume winged <width>/
1. broadly/
2. moderately <<implicit>>/
3. narrowly/

#618. Lower glume winged <extent>/
1. all along/
2. near apex/
3. above/
4. in the middle/
5. below/

#619. Lower glume <vein number>/

#620. Lower glume primary vein <extension to apex>/
1. extending to apex/
2. falling short of apex/

#621. Lower glume primary vein <midvein or keels - roughness. Knobs and spines on 2-keeled glumes are treated as surface(flank) roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/
5. tuberculate/
6. with pectinate knobs/

#622. Lower glume primary vein <presence of hairs(except tufts) or spines>/
1. eciliate <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate/
3. ciliate/
4. pectinately ciliate <stiff and evenly spaced>/
5. pectinately spinose/
6. pubescent <when different from surface>/

#623. Lower glume lateral veins <clarity>/
1. absent/
2. obscure/
3. distinct <<implicit>>/
4. prominent/
5. <equally> thickened/
6. unequally thickened/

#624. Lower glume lateral veins <presence of ribs>/
1. without ribs <<implicit>>/
2. ribbed/

#625. Lower glume lateral veins <presence of cross-veins or branching>/
1. without connecting veins/
2. transversely connected at apex <only>/
3. with cross-veins/
4. <dichotomously> branching above/

#626. Lower glume lateral veins <divergence>/
1. meeting <and uniting> at apex/
2. convergent at apex/
3. parallel at apex/
4. divergent at apex/

#627. Lower glume lateral veins <extension to apex>/
1. excurrent/
2. all extending to apex/
3. with some <but not all> extending to apex/
4. all falling short of apex/

#628. Lower glume lateral veins <presence in keel>/
1. dissociated from keel <keel 1-veined> <<implicit>>/
2. several in each keel/

#629. Lower glume intercarinal veins <presence - if 2-keeled>/
1. absent/
2. obscure/
3. distinct/
4. absent below, prominent above/

#630. Lower glume intercarinal veins <number>/
in number/

#631. Lower glume surface <depression in transverse section>/
1. convex <<implicit>>/
2. flat/
3. concave/
4. with V-shaped depression <between keels>/
5. with a longitudinal median groove/
6. grooved on either side of midvein/
7. deeply depressed <between keels>/

#632. Lower glume surface impressed <extent of flattening or depression>/
1. throughout <<implicit>>/
2. above/
3. below/
4. with a boss blocking lower end/

#633. Lower glume surface <relief> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth <<implicit>>/
2. asperulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinose/
5. with hooked spines/
6. tuberculate/
7. wrinkled/
8. muricate <pattern of knobs>/
9. rugose/
10. cancellate <latticed pattern>/
11. areolate <pattern of depressions>/

#634. Lower glume surface rough <where, excluding keels>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. at apex/
3. above/
4. in the middle/
5. below/
6. on flanks <only>/
7. on veins/
8. between veins/
9. in lines <unrelated to veins>/
10. in transverse rows/

#635. Lower glume surface <presence of waist>/
1. not waisted <<implicit>>/
2. laterally waisted/
3. transversely waisted <extending across back>/

#636. Lower glume surface <presence of pits>/
1. without pits <<implicit>>/
2. pitted/
3. lacunose/
4. fenestrate/

#637. Lower glume surface <general indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <except for keel, margin & special indumentum> <<implicit>>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. villous/
7. hispidulous/
8. hispid/
9. setose/
10. woolly/

#638. Lower glume surface hairy <where>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. at apex/
3. above/
4. in the middle/
5. below/
6. at base/
7. on veins/
8. between veins/
9. in lines <unrelated to veins>/

#639. Lower glume surface with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. hooked hairs/
4. capitate hairs/
5. clavate hairs/
6. turgid hairs/

#640. Lower glume surface <special indumentum - tufts>/
1. without hair tufts <<implicit>>/
2. with basal tufts of hair/
3. with marginal tufts of hair/
4. with a dorsal tuft of hair/
5. with tufts of hair along primary vein/
6. with transverse tufts of hair/
7. with a transverse fringe of hair/
8. with an apical beard/

#641. Lower glume inner surface <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. scabrous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. villous/

#642. Lower glume margins <inrolled>/
1. flat/
2. inrolled/

#643. Lower glume margins <hairiness>/
1. eciliate <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate/
3. ciliate/
4. tuberculately ciliate/
5. setose/

#644. Lower glume hairs <colour of principal hairs>/
1. white/
2. grey/
3. yellow/
4. tawny/
5. dark brown/
6. red/
7. purple/
8. black/

#645. Lower glume hairs <length of principal hairs>/
mm long/

#646. Lower glume apex <incision>/
1. entire <<implicit>>/
2. erose/
3. with a unilateral tooth/
4. dentate/
5. lobed/

#647. Lower glume apex <number of teeth or lobes>/

#648. Lower glume apex <shape of apex or tip of lobes> <<ordered>>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. attenuate/
7. setaceously attenuate/
8. cuspidate/
9. rostrate/
10. caudate/
11. laterally pinched <compressed>/

#649. Lower glume apex <presence of awn>/
1. muticous <<implicit>>/
2. mucronate/
3. awned/
4. awned only on distal spikelets/

#650. Lower glume apex <number of awns>/

#651. Lower glume awn <position>/
1. terminal <from apex or sinus> <<implicit>>/
2. subapical/
3. dorsal/

#652. Lower glume awn <length>/
mm long/

#653. Lower glume awn <whether hooked>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. hooked/

#654. Lower glume awn <vesture>/
1. without vesture <<implicit>>/
2. viscid/
3. ciliolate/
4. ciliate/

#655. Upper glume <outline - of uppermost if more than 2> <<ordered>>/
1. subulate <or bristle-like with indefinite or briefly triangular body <apical characters inapplicable except for incision>>/
2. linear/
3. lanceolate/
4. elliptic/
5. oblong/
6. ovate/
7. orbicular/
8. oblate/
9. obovate/
10. flabellate/
11. cuneate/

#656. Upper glume <symmetry>/
1. symmetrical/
2. asymmetrical/

#657. Upper glume <presence of basal auricles>/
1. without auricles <<implicit>>/
2. auriculate at base/

#658. Upper glume dorsally <straightness of back in profile>/
1. convex in profile/
2. straight in profile/
3. concave in profile/

#659. Upper glume <gibbosity>/
1. not gibbous <<implicit>>/
2. gibbous/
3. saccate/
4. spurred/
5. waisted/

#660. Upper glume <length>/
mm long/

#661. Upper glume <length as fraction of lemma>/
length of adjacent fertile lemma/

#662. Upper glume <length as fraction of spikelet>/
length of spikelet/

#663. Upper glume <width relative to fertile lemma>/
1. narrower than lemma/
2. as wide as lemma/
3. wider than lemma/

#664. Upper glume <consistency>/
1. hyaline/
2. membranous/
3. chartaceous/
4. herbaceous/
5. scarious/
6. cartilaginous/
7. coriaceous/
8. indurate/

#665. Upper glume <apical consistency>/
1. of similar consistency above <<implicit>>/
2. much thinner above/
3. firmer above/

#666. Upper glume with <marginal consistency>/
1. undifferentiated margins <<implicit>>/
2. hyaline margins/
3. membranous margins/
4. chartaceous margins/
5. scarious margins/
6. cartilaginous margins/

#667. Upper glume <fenestration>/
1. not thinner in the body <<implicit>>/
2. thinner along midline/

#668. Upper glume <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. yellow/
3. light green/
4. mid-green/
5. dark green/
6. glaucous/
7. grey/
8. light brown/
9. dark brown/
10. red/
11. purple/
12. black/

#669. Upper glume <presence of sessile glands>/
1. eglandular/
2. glandular/

#670. Upper glume <exudate>/
1. without exudate <<implicit>>/
2. viscid/
3. resinous/

#671. Upper glume <keels>/
1. without keels/
2. 1-keeled/
3. 2-keeled/

#672. Upper glume keel-less <extent>/
1. throughout/
2. except near apex/

#673. Upper glume keeled <extent>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. above/
3. below/

#674. Upper glume <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged on keel/
3. winged on margins/

#675. Upper glume winged <extent>/
1. all along/
2. near apex/
3. above/
4. in the middle/
5. below/

#676. Upper glume <vein number>/

#677. Upper glume primary vein <clarity of mid or keel vein>/
1. absent/
2. obscure/
3. distinct <<implicit>>/
4. conspicuous/
5. thickened/

#678. Upper glume primary vein <depression>/
1. not depressed <<implicit>>/
2. depressed/
3. grooved on either side/

#679. Upper glume primary vein <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/
5. tuberculate/
6. with pectinate knobs/

#680. Upper glume primary vein <presence of hairs(except tufts) or spines>/
1. eciliate <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate/
3. ciliate/
4. pectinately ciliate <stiff and evenly spaced>/
5. pectinately spinose/
6. pubescent <when different from surface>/

#681. Upper glume lateral veins <clarity>/
1. absent/
2. obscure/
3. distinct <<implicit>>/
4. prominent/
5. <equally> thickened/
6. unequally thickened/

#682. Upper glume lateral veins <presence of ribs>/
1. without ribs <<implicit>>/
2. ribbed/

#683. Upper glume lateral veins <presence of cross-veins>/
1. without cross-veins/
2. transversely connected at apex <only>/
3. with cross-veins/

#684. Upper glume lateral veins <divergence <mainly Triticeae>>/
1. meeting <and uniting> at apex/
2. convergent at apex/
3. parallel at apex/
4. divergent at apex/

#685. Upper glume lateral veins <extension to apex>/
1. excurrent/
2. all extending to apex/
3. with some <but not all> extending to apex/
4. all falling short of apex/

#686. Upper glume surface <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth <<implicit>>/
2. asperulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinose/
5. with hooked spines/
6. papillose/
7. tuberculate/
8. wrinkled/
9. rugose/

#687. Upper glume surface rough <where>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. at apex/
3. above/
4. in the middle/
5. below/
6. on veins/
7. between veins/
8. in lines <unrelated to veins>/

#688. Upper glume surface <general indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <except for keel, margins & special indumentum> <<implicit>>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. villous/
7. hispidulous/
8. hispid/
9. setose/
10. woolly/

#689. Upper glume surface hairy <where>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. at apex/
3. above/
4. in the middle/
5. below/
6. at base/
7. on veins/
8. between veins/
9. in lines <unrelated to veins>/

#690. Upper glume surface with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. hooked hairs/
4. capitate hairs/
5. clavate hairs/
6. turgid hairs/
7. verruculose hairs/

#691. Upper glume surface <special indumentum - tufts>/
1. without hair tufts <<implicit>>/
2. with basal tufts of hair/
3. with marginal tufts of hair/
4. with a dorsal tuft of hair/
5. with tufts of hair along primary vein/
6. with transverse tufts of hair/
7. with a transverse fringe of hair/
8. with an apical beard/

#692. Upper glume inner surface <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. scabrous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. villous/

#693. Upper glume margins <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/
5. tuberculate/

#694. Upper glume margins <hairiness>/
1. eciliate <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate/
3. ciliate/
4. villous/
5. setose/
6. pubescent/

#695. Upper glume hairs <colour of principal hairs>/
1. white/
2. grey/
3. yellow/
4. tawny/
5. dark brown/
6. red/
7. purple/
8. black/

#696. Upper glume hairs <length of principal hairs>/
mm long/

#697. Upper glume apex <incision>/
1. entire <<implicit>>/
2. erose/
3. with a unilateral tooth/
4. dentate/
5. lobed/

#698. Upper glume apex <number of teeth or lobes>/

#699. Upper glume apex <shape of apex or tip of lobes> <<ordered>>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. attenuate/
7. setaceously attenuate/
8. cuspidate/
9. rostrate/
10. caudate/
11. laterally pinched <compressed>/

#700. Upper glume <presence of awns>/
1. muticous <<implicit>>/
2. mucronate/
3. awned/
4. awned only on distal spikelets/

#701. Upper glume <number of awns>/

#702. Upper glume awn <position>/
1. terminal <from apex or sinus> <<implicit>>/
2. subapical/
3. dorsal/
4. oblique/

#703. Upper glume awn <length>/
mm long/

#704. Upper glume awn <presence of hairs>/
1. glabrous/
2. hispidulous/
3. ciliate/
4. plumose/

Basal sterile florets

#705. Basal sterile florets <presence, including vestiges <controlling character for dependencies>>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. 1/
3. 2 or more/

#706. Basal sterile florets <similarity if more than 1>/
1. similar/
2. dissimilar/

#707. Basal sterile florets <reduction to vestiges>/
1. developed <<implicit>>/
2. with vestigial lower floret/
3. both vestigial/

#708. Basal sterile florets <sex>/
1. male/
2. barren/

#709. Basal sterile florets <presence of palea>/
1. with palea/
2. without significant palea <may be rudimentary; lemma present>/

#710. Basal sterile florets <persistence - if spikelet breaks up>/
1. persisting on inflorescence/
2. separately deciduous/
3. attached to and deciduous with the fertile/

#711. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence>/
1. present <<implicit>>/
2. absent <the floret represented by a palea>/

#712. Lemma of lower sterile floret <comparison with other scales>/
1. unlike other scales <<implicit>>/
2. similar to upper glume/
3. similar to fertile lemma/

#713. Lemma of lower sterile floret <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. subulate <<apical characters inapplicable>>/
2. linear/
3. lanceolate/
4. elliptic/
5. oblong/
6. ovate/
7. orbicular/
8. oblate/
9. trullate/
10. obovate/

#714. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence of basal auricles>/
1. without auricles <<implicit>>/
2. auriculate at base/

#715. Lemma of lower sterile floret <gibbosity>/
1. not gibbous <<implicit>>/
2. gibbous/

#716. Lemma of lower sterile floret <length>/
mm long/

#717. Lemma of lower sterile floret <length as fraction of fertile lemma>/
length of fertile lemma/

#718. Lemma of lower sterile floret <length as fraction of spikelet>/
length of spikelet/

#719. Lemma of lower sterile floret <consistency>/
1. hyaline/
2. membranous/
3. chartaceous/
4. herbaceous/
5. scarious/
6. cartilaginous/
7. coriaceous/
8. indurate/
9. fleshy/

#720. Lemma of lower sterile floret <apical consistemcy>/
1. of similar consistency above <<implicit>>/
2. much thinner above/
3. firmer above/

#721. Lemma of lower sterile floret <marginal consistency>/
1. of similar consistency on margins <<implicit>>/
2. much thinner on margins/
3. thicker on margins/

#722. Lemma of lower sterile floret <fenestration>/
1. not thinner in the body <<implicit>>/
2. thinner along midline/
3. hyaline between veins/
4. fenestrate <with hyaline patches>/

#723. Lemma of lower sterile floret <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. yellow/
3. light green/
4. mid-green/
5. dark green/
6. glaucous/
7. grey/
8. light brown/
9. dark brown/
10. red/
11. purple/
12. black/

#724. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence of sessile glands>/
1. eglandular <<implicit>>/
2. glandular/

#725. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence of keels>/
1. without keels <<implicit>>/
2. 1-keeled/
3. 2-keeled/

#726. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged on keel/
3. winged on margins/

#727. Lemma of lower sterile floret <number of veins>/

#728. Lemma of lower sterile floret <clarity of midvein>/
1. without midvein/
2. with obscure midvein/
3. with evident midvein/
4. with conspicuous midvein/

#729. Lemma of lower sterile floret <clarity of lateral veins>/
1. without lateral veins/
2. obscurely veined/
3. distinctly veined <<implicit>>/
4. prominently veined/
5. with thickened veins/

#730. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence of ribs>/
1. without ribs <<implicit>>/
2. ribbed/

#731. Lemma of lower sterile floret <vein spacing>/
1. with equidistant veins/
2. with unevenly spaced veins/

#732. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence of cross-veins>/
1. without cross-veins/
2. with veins transversely connected at apex <only>/
3. with cross-veins/

#733. Lemma of lower sterile floret <apical union of veins>/
1. with veins free at apex/
2. with veins meeting and uniting at apex/

#734. Lemma of lower sterile floret <transverse curvature>/
1. convex across back/
2. flat across back/
3. concave across back/

#735. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence of median groove or split>/
1. without grooves <<implicit>>/
2. sulcate/
3. with 2 longitudinal grooves/
4. readily splitting into two halves/

#736. Lemma of lower sterile floret <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth <<implicit>>/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/
5. papillose/
6. tuberculate/
7. wrinkled/
8. rugose/

#737. Lemma of lower sterile floret rough <where>/
1. throughout <<implicit>>/
2. at apex/
3. above/
4. in the middle/
5. below/
6. on midvein/
7. on <lateral> veins/
8. on flanks/

#738. Lemma of lower sterile floret <general indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <except for midvein, margins & special indumentum> <<implicit>>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. villous/
7. hispidulous/
8. hispid/
9. setose/
10. woolly/

#739. Lemma of lower sterile floret hairy <extent of general indumentum>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. at apex/
3. above/
4. in the middle/
5. below/
6. at base/

#740. Lemma of lower sterile floret hairy <location of general indumentum>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. on veins/
3. between veins/
4. between veins but central interspaces glabrous/
5. in lines <unrelated to veins>/

#741. Lemma of lower sterile floret with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. reflexed hairs/
4. hooked hairs/
5. capitate hairs/
6. clavate hairs/
7. turgid hairs/
8. verruculose hairs/

#742. Lemma of lower sterile floret <special indumentum - tufts>/
1. without hair tufts <<implicit>>/
2. with basal tufts of hair/
3. with marginal tufts of hair/
4. with <transverse> dorsal tufts of hair/
5. with a transverse fringe of hair/
6. with conspicuous apical hairs/

#743. Lemma of lower sterile floret <number of hair tufts>/
hair tufts in all/

#744. Lemma of lower sterile floret <midvein hairs>/
1. eciliate on midvein <not distinct from general indumentum> <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate on midvein/
3. ciliate on midvein/
4. setose on midvein/
5. pubescent on midvein/

#745. Lemma of lower sterile floret <marginal roughness>/
1. smooth on margins/
2. scaberulous on margins/
3. scabrous on margins/
4. spinulose on margins/
5. tuberculate on margins/

#746. Lemma of lower sterile floret <marginal hairs>/
1. eciliate on margins <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate on margins/
3. ciliate on margins/
4. villous on margins/
5. setose on margins/
6. pubescent on margins/

#747. Lemma of lower sterile floret fringed <extent of marginal hairs>/
1. all along/
2. above/
3. in the middle/
4. below/

#748. Lemma of lower sterile floret bearing <colour of principal hairs>/
1. white hairs/
2. grey hairs/
3. yellow hairs/
4. tawny hairs/
5. dark brown hairs/
6. red hairs/
7. purple hairs/
8. black hairs/

#749. Lemma of lower sterile floret bearing hairs <length of principal hairs>/
mm long/

#750. Lemma of lower sterile floret <incision>/
1. entire <<implicit>>/
2. erose/
3. dentate/
4. lobed/

#751. Lemma of lower sterile floret <number of teeth or lobes>/

#752. Lemma of lower sterile floret <shape of apex or lobes> <<ordered>>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. attenuate/
7. setaceously attenuate/
8. cuspidate/
9. rostrate/
10. caudate/
11. laterally pinched at apex/

#753. Lemma of lower sterile floret <presence of awn>/
1. muticous <<implicit>>/
2. mucronate/
3. awned/

#754. Awn of lower sterile floret <origin>/
1. terminal <from apex or sinus> <<implicit>>/
2. subapical/
3. dorsal/

#755. Awn of lower sterile floret arising <origin of dorsal awn as fraction of lemma length>/
way up back of lemma/

#756. Awn of lower sterile floret <curvature>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. curved/
3. flexuous/
4. geniculate/

#757. Awn of lower sterile floret <length>/
mm long/

#758. Palea of lower sterile floret <consistency>/
1. hyaline <<implicit>>/
2. membranous/
3. becoming indurate on keels at maturity/
4. becoming indurate on flanks at maturity/
5. woody/

#759. Palea of lower sterile floret <length>/
mm long/

#760. Palea of lower sterile floret <length as fraction of its lemma>/
length of lemma/

#761. Palea of lower sterile floret <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged on keels/
3. winged on margins/

#762. Palea of lower sterile floret <vesture>/
1. smooth/
2. scabrous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. villous/
7. woolly/

#763. Palea of lower sterile floret adorned <where>/
1. on keels/
2. on back/
3. on flanks/

#764. Lemma of upper sterile floret <outline>/
1. subulate <<apical characters inapplicable>>/
2. linear/
3. lanceolate/
4. elliptic/
5. oblong/
6. ovate/
7. orbicular/
8. oblate/
9. obovate/

#765. Lemma of upper sterile floret basally <consticted or expanded>/
1. simple <<implicit>>/
2. constricted/
3. auriculate/

#766. Lemma of upper sterile floret <length>/
mm long/

#767. Lemma of upper sterile floret <length as fraction of lower>/
length of lower sterile floret/

#768. Lemma of upper sterile floret <consistency> <<ordered>>/
1. hyaline/
2. membranous/
3. chartaceous/
4. herbaceous/
5. scarious/
6. cartilaginous/
7. coriaceous/
8. indurate/
9. fleshy/

#769. Lemma of upper sterile floret <roughness>/
1. smooth <<implicit>>/
2. scabrous/
3. tuberculate/
4. ribbed/
5. rugose throughout/
6. rugose above/
7. rugose below/

#770. Lemma of upper sterile floret <surface indumentum>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. pubescent/
3. pilose/
4. villous/

#771. Lemma of upper sterile floret <midvein hairs>/
1. eciliate on midvein <not distinct from general indumentum> <<implicit>>/
2. pubescent on midvein/
3. ciliolate on midvein/
4. ciliate on midvein/
5. setose on midvein/

#772. Lemma of upper sterile floret <marginal hairs>/
1. eciliate on margins <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate on margins/
3. ciliate on margins/
4. villous on margins/
5. tufted on margins/

#773. Lemma of upper sterile floret fringed <extent of marginal hairs>/
1. all along/
2. above/
3. in the middle/
4. below/

#774. Lemma of upper sterile floret <incision>/
1. entire <<implicit>>/
2. erose/
3. dentate/
4. lobed/

#775. Lemma of upper sterile floret <number of teeth or lobes>/

#776. Lemma of upper sterile floret <shape of apex> <<ordered>>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. attenuate/
7. setaceously attenuate/
8. caudate/

#777. Lemma of upper sterile floret <presence of awn>/
1. muticous <<implicit>>/
2. mucronate/
3. awned/

#778. Awn of upper sterile floret <position>/
1. terminal <from apex or sinus> <<implicit>>/
2. subapical/
3. dorsal/

#779. Awn of upper sterile floret arising <origin of dorsal awn as fraction of lemma length>/
way up back of lemma/

#780. Awn of upper sterile floret <curvature>/
1. straight/
2. curved/
3. flexuous/
4. geniculate/

#781. Awn of upper sterile floret <length>/
mm long/

Fertile florets

#782. Fertile florets <divergence if more than 1>/
1. appressed to rhachilla/
2. divergent/

#783. Fertile florets overlapping <fraction overlapping in same row>/
their length/

#784. Fertile florets <freedom of tip - if more than 1>/
1. incurved at tip/
2. imbricate to tip/
3. free at tip/
4. recurved at tip/

#785. Fertile florets <size gradation - if more than 1>/
1. decreasing in size upwards <<implicit>>/
2. all similar in size/
3. increasing in size upwards/

#786. Fertile florets <sex>/
1. bisexual <<implicit>>/
2. female/

#787. Fertile florets <similarity if more than 1>/
1. all alike <<implicit>>/
2. alike but female above/
3. with the lowest dissimilar/
4. with the uppermost dissimilar <if more than 2 florets <comment on difference>>/

#788. Lowest fertile lemma <sex - if dissimilar>/
1. bisexual/
2. female/

#789. Lowest fertile lemma <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. orbicular/
7. oblate/
8. obovate/
9. flabellate/
10. cuneate/

#790. Lowest fertile lemma <length>/
mm long/

#791. Lowest fertile lemma <length as fraction of adjacent lemma>/
length of adjacent lemma/

#792. Lowest fertile lemma <relative consistency>/
1. of similar consistency to adjacent lemma <<implicit>>/
2. thinner than adjacent lemma/
3. firmer than adjacent lemma/

#793. Lowest fertile lemma <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. hairy/

#794. Lowest fertile lemma <incision>/
1. entire/
2. lobed/

#795. Lowest fertile lemma <presence of awn>/
1. muticous/
2. mucronate/
3. awned/


#796. Fertile lemma <presence>/
1. present <<implicit>>/
2. absent/

#797. Fertile lemma <flattened outline<<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. orbicular/
7. oblate/
8. trullate <margins angled rather than smoothly curved>/
9. obovate/
10. oblanceolate/
11. flabellate/
12. cuneate/

#798. Fertile lemma <comparative width of outline>/
1. narrowly proportioned/
2. moderately prportioned <<implicit>>/
3. broadly proportioned/

#799. Fertile lemma widest at <position of widest point as fraction of length>/
of its length from base/

#800. Fertile lemma <symmetry>/
1. symmetrical/
2. asymmetrical/

#801. Fertile lemma <presence of basal auricles or thickening>/
1. without auricles <<implicit>>/
2. auriculate at base/
3. thickened on margins at base/

#802. Fertile lemma <compression>/
1. laterally compressed/
2. subterete/
3. dorsally compressed/

#803. Fertile lemma dorsally <straightness of back in profile>/
1. convex along back/
2. straight along back/
3. concave along back/

#804. Fertile lemma <gibbosity>/
1. not gibbous <<implicit>>/
2. gibbous/
3. lunate in profile/

#805. Fertile lemma <unflattened shape>/
1. linear in profile/
2. lanceolate in profile/
3. elliptic in profile/
4. oblong in profile/
5. ovate in profile/
6. oblanceolate in profile/
7. triangular in profile/
8. trapezoidal in profile/
9. hemispherical/
10. globose/

#806. Fertile lemma <length>/
mm long/

#807. Fertile lemma <width>/
mm wide/

#808. Fertile lemma <consistency>/
1. hyaline/
2. membranous/
3. chartaceous/
4. herbaceous/
5. scarious/
6. cartilaginous/
7. coriaceous/
8. indurate <crustaceous, bony or woody>/

#809. Fertile lemma <apical consistency>/
1. of similar consistency above <<implicit>>/
2. much thinner above/
3. firmer above/

#810. Fertile lemma <marginal consistency>/
1. of similar consistency on margins <<implicit>>/
2. much thinner on margins/
3. firmer on margins/

#811. Fertile lemma <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. yellow/
3. light green/
4. mid-green/
5. dark green/
6. glaucous/
7. grey/
8. light brown/
9. dark brown/
10. red/
11. purple/
12. black/

#812. Fertile lemma <distribution of colour>/
1. concolorous/
2. suffused with last colour/
3. mottled with last colour/
4. streaked with last colour/
5. bordered with last colour/
6. tipped with last colour/

#813. Fertile lemma <sheen>/
1. dull <<implicit>>/
2. shiny/

#814. Fertile lemma <presence of sessile glands>/
1. eglandular <<implicit>>/
2. glandular on surface/
3. glandular on veins/

#815. Fertile lemma <exudate>/
1. without exudate <<implicit>>/
2. pruinose/
3. viscid/
4. resinous/

#816. Fertile lemma <presence of keel>/
1. without keel/
2. keeled/

#817. Fertile lemma rounded <extent>/
1. throughout/
2. except near apex/

#818. Fertile lemma <clarity of keel>/
1. lightly keeled/
2. distinctly keeled <<implicit>>/
3. the keel enlarged into a pocket around grain/

#819. Fertile lemma keeled <extent>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. above/
3. below/

#820. Fertile lemma <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged on keel/
3. winged on margins/

#821. Fertile lemma <vein number>/

#822. Fertile lemma <key couplet for chloridoid veins>/
1. 0—3 -veined/
2. more than 3-veined/

#823. Fertile lemma <presence of veins <controlling character for dependencies>>/
1. without veins/
2. one-veined/
3. several-veined <<implicit>>/

#824. Lemma midvein <prominence>/
1. simple/
2. thickened <conspicuously>/
3. with contiguous subsidiary veins/

#825. Lemma midvein <extension to apex>/
1. extending to apex/
2. falling short of apex/

#826. Lemma midvein <roughness, especially when keeled>/
1. without distinctive roughness <<implicit>>/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/

#827. Lemma midvein <hairiness - except tufts>/
1. eciliate <not distinct from general indumentum> <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate/
3. ciliate/
4. pectinately ciliate <stiff and evenly spaced>/
5. hispid/
6. setose/
7. pubescent/

#828. Lemma midvein hairy <where>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. above/
3. in the middle/
4. below/
5. at base/

#829. Lemma lateral veins <clarity>/
1. obscure/
2. with distinct primaries but obscure intermediates/
3. distinct/
4. prominent/
5. thickened/

#830. Lemma lateral veins <presence of ribs>/
1. without ribs <<implicit>>/
2. ribbed/

#831. Lemma lateral veins <clarity in lower part>/
1. absent or obscure below/
2. evident below/

#832. Lemma lateral veins <spacing if 3-veined>/
1. midway between midvein and margin/
2. close to midvein/
3. close to margins/

#833. Lemma lateral veins <spacing if 5 or more veined>/
1. evenly spaced/
2. unevenly spaced/
3. in close groups/

#834. Lemma lateral veins <presence of dichotomous branching>/
1. unbranched <<implicit>>/
2. branched/
3. augmented by subsidiaries in lobes/

#835. Lemma lateral veins <presence of cross-veins>/
1. without cross-veins/
2. transversely connected at apex <only>/
3. with cross-veins/

#836. Lemma lateral veins <convergence>/
1. meeting <and uniting> above/
2. convergent above/
3. more or less parallel/
4. divergent above/

#837. Lemma lateral veins <apical extent <mainly Poeae>>/
1. excurrent/
2. extending close to apex/
3. stopping well short of apex <but present in upper third of lemma>/
4. less than two thirds length of lemma/

#838. Lemma surface <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth <<implicit>>/
2. granulose/
3. asperulous/
4. scaberulous/
5. scabrous/
6. papillose/
7. tuberculate/
8. striate/
9. reticulate/
10. punctate/
11. pitted/

#839. Lemma surface rough <where>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. above/
3. in the middle/
4. below/
5. on veins/
6. between veins/
7. in lines <unrelated to veins>/

#840. Lemma surface <relief>/
1. unwrinkled <<implicit>>/
2. rugulose/
3. rugose/
4. corrugate/

#841. Lemma surface <presence of longitudinal grooves (other than ribs) or splits>/
1. without grooves <<implicit>>/
2. with a median groove/
3. with 2 longitudinal grooves/
4. with longitudinal folds/
5. eventually splitting/

#842. Lemma surface <presence of germination flap>/
1. without germination flap/
2. with distinct germination flap/

#843. Lemma surface <general indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <except for midvein, marginal, special & apical indumentum> <<implicit>>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. villous/
7. plumose/
8. hispidulous/
9. hispid/
10. setose/
11. woolly/

#844. Lemma surface hairy <extent of general indumentum>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. above <excluding apical ornament>/
3. in the middle/
4. below/
5. at base/

#845. Lemma surface hairy <where>/
1. on back <<implicit>>/
2. on veins <recorded under margins if veins marginal>/
3. between veins/
4. between veins but central interspaces glabrous/
5. in lines <unrelated to veins>/

#846. Lemma surface with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. tubercle-based hairs/
3. reflexed hairs/
4. semicircular hairs/
5. hooked hairs/
6. capitate hairs/
7. clavate hairs/
8. turgid hairs/

#847. Lemma surface <special indumentum - tufts>/
1. without hair tufts <<implicit>>/
2. with basal hair tufts near margin/
3. with marginal hair tufts <above base>/
4. with tufts of hair on midvein/
5. with a transverse row of hair tufts/
6. with 2 transverse rows of hair tufts/
7. with a transverse fringe of hair/
8. with conspicuous apical hairs <but if a ring see corona appendage>/

#848. Lemma surface bearing <number of hair tufts>/
hair tufts in all/

#849. Lemma inner surface <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. scabrous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. transversely fringed/

#850. Lemma margins <fusion>/
1. free <<implicit>>/
2. connate below/
3. closed except for an apical pore/
4. fused below to those of opposing floret forming an urn/

#851. Lemma margins with <extent connate below>/
of their length connate/

#852. Lemma margins <vernation - if free>/
1. flat <<implicit>>/
2. interlocking with palea margins/
3. involute/
4. convolute/

#853. Lemma margins <coverage of palea>/
1. exposing palea <<implicit>>/
2. covering most of palea/
3. interlocking with palea keels/

#854. Lemma margins <roughness>/
1. without distinctive roughness <<implicit>>/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/
5. tuberculate/

#855. Lemma margins <hairiness>/
1. eciliate <not distinct from general indumentum> <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate/
3. ciliate/
4. setose/
5. pubescent/
6. pilose/
7. villous/
8. woolly/

#856. Lemma margins hairy <extent of hairiness>/
1. all along <<implicit>>/
2. above/
3. in the middle/
4. below/
5. at base/

#857. Lemma hairs <colour of principal hairs>/
1. white/
2. grey/
3. yellow/
4. tawny/
5. dark brown/
6. red/
7. purple/
8. black/

#858. Lemma hairs <length of principal hairs>/
mm long/

#859. Lemma apex <incision>/
1. entire <<implicit>>/
2. erose/
3. dentate/
4. lobed/

#860. Lemma apex <number of primary teeth or lobes>/

#861. Lemma apex <equality of lobes>/
1. with simple equal lobes <<implicit>>/
2. with outer lobes longer/
3. with outer lobes shorter/
4. with central lobe bidentate/
5. with lateral lobes bidentate/
6. with irregular lobes/

#862. Lemma apex with <shape of lobes>/
1. filiform lobes/
2. linear lobes/
3. lanceolate lobes/
4. oblong lobes/
5. ovate lobes/
6. triangular lobes/
7. heterogeneous lobes/
8. outer lobes winged/
9. margins splitting into evanescent supplementary lobes/

#863. Lemma with lobes <length>/
mm long/

#864. Lemma incised <fraction of lemma length>/
of lemma length/

#865. Lemma apex <shape of apex or tip of lobes> <<ordered>>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. attenuate/
7. setaceously attenuate/
8. cuspidate/
9. apiculate/
10. rostrate/
11. caudate/

#866. Lemma apex <ornamentation - for long hairs see surface tufts or apical appendage>/
1. without ornament <<implicit>>/
2. cucullate/
3. laterally pinched/
4. with a little green crest/
5. with a green spot/
6. with a shallow excavation/
7. papillose/
8. tuberculate/
9. scabrous/
10. pubescent/
11. woolly/

#867. Lemma apex <presence of appendage>/
1. without appendage <<implicit>>/
2. with an annular corona <but no membranous extension>/
3. with a membranous corona/
4. surmounted by a ring of hairs <on corona when present>/
5. with a short cylindrical neck <supporting awn though not part of its column - Stipa>/
6. with a conical beak/
7. with a trilobate appendage/
8. with outer margin prolonged as a hyaline appendage/

#868. Lemma apex with corona <width>/
mm wide/

#869. Lemma apex with this appendage <length of corona, neck or lateral extension>/
mm long/

#870. Lemma apex <presence of awn>/
1. muticous <<implicit>>/
2. pungent/
3. mucronate <may be further described using awn characters>/
4. awned/
5. awned only on distal spikelets/

#871. Lemma apex <number of awns>/

#872. Principal lemma awn <eccentricity>/
1. median <<implicit>>/
2. eccentric/

#873. Principal lemma awn < position>/
1. apical <<implicit>>/
2. subapical/
3. from a sinus/
4. dorsal/

#874. Principal lemma awn arising <origin of dorsal awn as fraction of lemma length>/
way up back of lemma/

#875. Principal lemma awn <overall shape>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. curved/
3. flexuous/
4. coiled <open coils, not a twisted column>/
5. hooked <at tip>/
6. geniculate/
7. bigeniculate/
8. 3-branched <laterals inserted above, not on, lemma tip>/

#876. Principal lemma awn <flexion relative to lemma or column>/
1. ascending <<implicit>>/
2. spreading/
3. reflexed <through an angle>/
4. recurved <with a semicircular bend> at base of limb/
5. briefly coiled <or twisted> at base of limb <not a column, Aristida>/
6. twisted together <with others in panicle>/

#877. Principal lemma awn <presence of basal constriction,expansion or fusion>/
1. simple at base <<implicit>>/
2. pseudo-articulate at base <persistent but with apparent abscission line>/
3. pseudo-articulate across body of lemma/
4. constricted at base/
5. conically expanded at base/
6. adnate to lemma lobes at base/

#878. Principal lemma awn <basal cross-section>/
1. subterete below/
2. triquetrous below/
3. flat below/

#879. Principal lemma awn <stiffness>/
1. stiff/
2. flexible/
3. filiform/

#880. Principal lemma awn <nature of tip>/
1. attenuate <<implicit>>/
2. pungent/
3. with scarcely tapering limb/
4. with clavate limb/
5. with thread-like crinkled tip/

#881. Principal lemma awn <length including column>/
mm long overall/

#882. Principal lemma awn <length as fraction of lemma>/
length of lemma/

#883. Principal lemma awn with <length of limb above column or distal bend>/
mm long limb/

#884. Principal lemma awn <exsertion>/
1. clearly exserted from spikelet <<implicit>>/
2. not or scarcely exserted from spikelet/

#885. Principal lemma awn <presence of column>/
1. without a column <<implicit>>/
2. with a straight or slightly twisted column/
3. with twisted column/

#886. Principal lemma awn <persistence>/
1. persistent <<implicit>>/
2. deciduous/

#887. Principal lemma awn abscissing/
1. across body of lemma/
2. from top of lemma/
3. from top of column/

#888. Principal lemma awn limb <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. retrorsely scabrous/

#889. Principal lemma awn limb <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. ciliate/
5. hirsute/
6. plumose/

#890. Principal lemma awn with <length of limb hairs>/
mm long hairs/

#891. Principal lemma awn <extent of limb hairs>/
1. hairy throughout limb <<implicit>>/
2. glabrescent towards tip/
3. glabrescent towards base of limb/
4. glabrescent towards tip and base of limb/

#892. Middle segment of lemma awn <length - if bigeniculate>/
mm long/

#893. Middle segment of lemma awn <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. hispidulous/
3. puberulous/
4. pubescent/
5. ciliate/
6. hirtellous/
7. hirsute/
8. plumose/

#894. Column of lemma awn <length>/
mm long/

#895. Column of lemma awn <length as fraction of limb>/
length of limb/

#896. Column of lemma awn <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. scabrous/

#897. Column of lemma awn <general indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <except for top> <<implicit>>/
2. hispidulous/
3. puberulous/
4. pubescent/
5. ciliate/
6. hirtellous/
7. hirsute/
8. plumose/

#898. Column of lemma awn hairy <where>/
1. generally <<implicit>>/
2. on upper part/
3. on lower part/
4. on the spiral/

#899. Column of lemma awn <presence of apical hairs at junction with limb>/
1. without distinct apical hairs <<implicit>>/
2. with pubescent apex/
3. with bearded apex/

#900. Column of lemma awn with <length of hairs>/
mm long hairs/

#901. Lateral lemma awns <presence>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. present/

#902. Lateral lemma awns arising <origin - if principal unbranched>/
1. on <unlobed> apex <<implicit>>/
2. on apex of lobes/
3. on inner edge of lobes/
4. on outer edge of lobes/
5. between lobes/
6. on margin of lemma <as an awn-like lobe>/
7. dorsally/

#903. Lateral lemma awns <flexure relative to principal>/
1. ascending <principal not spreading>/
2. spreading less than principal/
3. spreading as much as principal/
4. spreading more than principal/
5. wrapped around principal/
6. gyrate <twisted together at base>/

#904. Lateral lemma awns <persistence - if principal unbranched>/
1. persistent <<implicit>>/
2. deciduous with the principal/

#905. Lateral lemma awns <length>/
mm long/

#906. Lateral lemma awns <exsertion>/
1. exserted/
2. equalling glumes/
3. enclosed by glumes/

#907. Lateral lemma awns <equality>/
1. longer than principal/
2. subequal to principal/
3. shorter than principal/
4. of irregular length/

#908. Lateral lemm awns <length as fraction of principal>/
length of principal/

#909. Lateral lemma awns of <equality of width>/
1. equal width <<implicit>>/
2. unequal width/

#910. Lateral lemma awns <indumentum>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. ciliolate/
3. ciliate/
4. plumose/


#911. Palea <presence>/
1. present <<implicit>>/
2. absent or minute/

#912. Palea <fusion>/
1. free <<implicit>>/
2. fused below to rhachilla internode/
3. fused below to lemma margins/

#913. Palea <gape>/
1. embraced by lemma <tip may protrude apically> <<implicit>>/
2. inturned at apex/
3. reflexed at apex/
4. separating from lemma above/
5. gaping/
6. readily splitting down midline/

#914. Palea <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. orbicular/
7. obovate/
8. oblanceolate/

#915. Palea with flaps <width relative to space between keels>/
1. narrower than body/
2. as wide as body/
3. wider than body/

#916. Palea with <presence of flap auricles>/
1. entire flaps <<implicit>>/
2. auriculate flaps/

#917. Palea <vernation>/
1. not rolled <<implicit>>/
2. involute/
3. tightly convolute around flower/

#918. Palea <straightness>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. with a basal protruberance/
3. bowed outwards/
4. falcate/

#919. Palea <length>/
mm long/

#920. Palea <fraction of lemma length>/
length of lemma/

#921. Palea <consistency>/
1. hyaline/
2. membranous <<implicit>>/
3. chartaceous/
4. scarious/
5. cartilaginous/
6. coriaceous/
7. indurate/
8. spongy/

#922. Palea <variation in consistency>/
1. of uniform consistency/
2. thinner above/
3. thinner on margins/

#923. Palea <number of veins, including keels>/

#924. Palea <presence of keels>/
1. without keels/
2. 1-keeled/
3. 2-keeled but the uppermost without keels/
4. 2-keeled <<implicit>>/

#925. Palea keels <whether extending to apex>/
1. extending to apex/
2. falling well short of apex/

#926. Palea keels <spacing>/
1. separated <<implicit>>/
2. approximate/
3. contiguous above a sulcus/
4. distant but flanking a median depression/

#927. Palea keels <width>/
mm apart/

#928. Palea keels <thickening>/
1. unthickened <<implicit>>/
2. thickened/

#929. Palea keels <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged/

#930. Palea keels <how much winged>/
1. narrowly winged/
2. conspicuously winged/

#931. Palea keels with <wing type>/
1. entire wings <<implicit>>/
2. erose wings/
3. toothed wings/
4. clavate appendages on wings/
5. each wing 1-awned/
6. each wing 2-awned/

#932. Palea keels <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth <<implicit>>/
2. scaberulous/
3. scabrous/
4. spinulose/
5. tuberculate/

#933. Palea keels <indumentum> <<ordered>>/
1. eciliate <<implicit>>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. ciliolate/
5. ciliate/
6. pectinate/
7. villous/
8. woolly/
9. with a crest of hairs/

#934. Palea keels adorned <where; refers to longer enations when more than 1 kind <but clarify in comment>>/
1. all along/
2. above/
3. in the middle/
4. below/

#935. Palea keels with <extent of enations as fraction of palea length>/
of their length adorned/

#936. Palea keels adorned <density>/
1. densely/
2. sparsely/

#937. Palea keels with <number of prickles or hairs>/
enations per keel/

#938. Palea keels with hairs <length of hairs>/
mm long/

#939. Palea surface <roughness> <<ordered>>/
1. smooth/
2. granular/
3. asperulous/
4. scaberulous/
5. scabrous/
6. papillose/
7. tuberculate/
8. rugose/
9. pitted/

#940. Palea surface <indumentum - excluding keels and apex> <<ordered>>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. puberulous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. hirsute/
6. villous/
7. woolly/

#941. Palea surface hairy <where>/
1. on back/
2. on flanks/
3. on margins/
4. in a transverse fringe/

#942. Palea surface hairy <extent>/
1. all along/
2. above/
3. in the middle/
4. below/
5. at base/

#943. Palea surface with <hair type>/
1. simple hairs <<implicit>>/
2. hooked hairs/
3. turgid hairs/

#944. Palea apex <incision>/
1. entire/
2. erose/
3. dentate/
4. lobed/
5. divided to base/

#945. Palea apex <number of teeth>/

#946. Palea apex <shape of apex or teeth> <<ordered>>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. cuspidate/
7. caudate/

#947. Palea apex <ornamentation>/
1. undifferentiated <<implicit>>/
2. glabrous/
3. pubescent/
4. ciliate/
5. papillose/
6. tuberculate/
7. scaberulous/
8. excavated/
9. with green spots/

#948. Palea apex <presence of awn>/
1. muticous <<implicit>>/
2. with excurrent keel veins/
3. awned/

#949. Palea awns <length of apical awns>/
mm long/

#950. Palea awns <indumentum>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. hairy/

Apical sterile florets

#951. Rhachilla extension <length beyond distal fertile floret, either barren or supporting modified sterile florets>/
mm long/

#952. Rhachilla extension <length as fraction of fertile floret>/
length of fertile floret/

#953. Rhachilla extension <curvature>/
1. straight/
2. bent/

#954. Rhachilla extension <indumentum>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. sparsely hairy/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose/
5. villous/

#955. Rhachilla extension hairy <where>/
1. throughout/
2. throughout but longer above/
3. at tip <only>/
4. above/
5. in the middle/
6. below/

#956. Rhachilla extension with <hair length>/
mm long hairs/

#957. Apical sterile florets <resemblance to fertile>/
1. resembling fertile though underdeveloped <<rest of section inapplicable>>/
2. distinct from fertile <and variously modified> <<implicit>>/

#958. Apical sterile florets <number, if distinguishable>/
in number/

#959. Apical sterile florets <abscission - if spikelet breaks up>/
1. deciduous with fertile floret <<implicit>>/
2. abscissing from fertile floret/

#960. Apical sterile florets <similarity>/
1. similar <but diminishing in size, or single> <<implicit>>/
2. dissimilar <the first (lowest) different and separate>/

#961. First apical floret <sex>/
1. male/
2. barren/

#962. First apical floret <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. orbicular/
7. flabellate/
8. cuneate/

#963. First apical floret <length>/
mm long/

#964. First apical floret <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. pubescent/
3. pilose/
4. hirsute/
5. villous/

#965. First apical floret <presence of awns>/
1. muticous/
2. mucronate/
3. awned/

#966. Apical sterile florets <remainder when first different - sex>/
1. male/
2. barren/

#967. Apical sterile florets <clumping>/
1. separate <or single> <<implicit>>/
2. in a clump/

#968. Apical sterile florets with internodes <length - when 2 or more florets>/
mm long between them/

#969. Apical sterile florets <outline of lemma or clump> <<ordered>>/
1. rudimentary <the body small or indefinitely distinguished from the awn it bears>/
2. linear/
3. lanceolate/
4. elliptic/
5. oblong/
6. ovate/
7. orbicular/
8. flabellate/
9. cuneate/

#970. Apical sterile florets <length of body>/
mm long/

#971. Apical sterile lemmas <presence of wings>/
1. wingless <<implicit>>/
2. winged on keel/
3. winged on margins/

#972. Apical sterile lemmas <indumentum of body>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. scabrous/
3. pubescent/
4. pilose <ciliate>/

#973. Apical sterile lemmas adorned <extent of hairs>/
1. all over <<implicit>>/
2. on keel/
3. on margins/

#974. Apical sterile lemmas <incision>/
1. entire <<implicit>>/
2. dentate/
3. lobed/

#975. Apical sterile lemmas <number of teeth or lobes>/

#976. Apical sterile lemmas <shape of apex> <<ordered>>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. attenuate/
7. cuspidate/

#977. Apical sterile lemmas <presence of awns, at least on distal floret>/
1. muticous <<implicit>>/
2. mucronate/
3. awned/

#978. Apical sterile lemmas <number of awns on each>/

#979. Apical sterile lemma awns <position>/
1. terminal <from apex or sinus> <<implicit>>/
2. subapical/
3. dorsal/

#980. Apical sterile lemma awns <straightness>/
1. straight <<implicit>>/
2. geniculate/
3. hooked/

#981. Apical sterile lemma awns <equality if more than 1>/
1. equal/
2. unequal/

#982. Apical sterile lemma awns <length of longest>/
mm long/

#983. Apical sterile lemma awns <indumentum>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. retrorsely scabrous/
3. ciliate/

#984. Apical sterile lemma awns <total sterile awns(incl first), if distinguishable>/
per spikelet in number/


#985. Lodicules <number>/
1. absent/
2. 1/
3. 2/
4. 3/
5. several/
6. represented by a ring of hairs/

#986. Lodicules <union>/
1. free <<implicit>>/
2. united/
3. adnate to palea/

#987. Lodicules <outline>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. orbicular/
6. ovate/
7. obovate/
8. oblanceolate/
9. cuneate/

#988. Lodicules <length>/
mm long/

#989. Lodicules <consistency>/
1. membranous <above>/
2. scarious/
3. coriaceous/
4. fleshy <throughout>/

#990. Lodicules <presence of veins>/
1. veinless/
2. veined/

#991. Lodicules <hairiness>/
1. glabrous <<implicit>>/
2. ciliate/

#992. Lodicules hairy <where>/
1. across the apex/
2. on the corners/

#993. Lodicules <incision>/
1. entire/
2. with a small lateral lobe/
3. 2-toothed/
4. irregularly toothed/

#994. Lodicules <shape of apex or lobes>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/

#995. Anthers <number.
<Diclinous male spikelets entered here, but need rearranging in description. Comment if sterile florets different>>/

#996. Anthers <shape>/
1. linear/
2. oblong/
3. subglobose/

#997. Anthers <attachment to filament>/
1. basifixed/
2. medifixed/

#998. Anthers <length>/
mm long/

#999. Anthers <aerial cleistogamy; see also cleistogenes>/
1. retained within floret/
2. eventually exserted/

#1000. Anthers <dehiscence>/
1. dehiscent by a longitudinal slit/
2. dehiscent by a subapical slit/
3. indehiscent <with deformed pollen>/

#1001. Anthers <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. yellow/
3. green/
4. brown/
5. orange/
6. red/
7. purple/
8. black/

#1002. Anther tip <ornametation>/
1. smooth/
2. apiculate/
3. penicillate/
4. pubescent/
5. with extended connective <between anthers>/

#1003. Filaments <union>/
1. free <<implicit>>/
2. united in groups/
3. united in a tube/

#1004. Filaments united for <extent of union>/
of their length/

#1005. Filaments <length>/
mm long/

#1006. Staminodes <presence <refers to female florets if diclinous>>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. present/

#1007. Staminodes <length>/
mm long/

#1008. Stigmas <number>/

#1009. Stigmas <whether protogynous>/
1. protandrous/
2. protogynous/

#1010. Stigmas <exsertion>/
1. retained within floret/
2. laterally exserted/
3. terminally exserted/
4. terminally exserted and tangled/

#1011. Stigmas <colour>/
1. white/
2. yellow/
3. brown/
4. red/
5. purple/

#1012. Stigmas <indumentum>/
1. plumose <<implicit>>/
2. sparsely hairy/
3. pubescent/
4. papillose/
5. retrorsely barbellate/

#1013. Styles <length>/
mm long/

#1014. Styles <union>/
1. free to the base/
2. connate below/

#1015. Styles <fraction of length connate>/
of their length connate/

#1016. Ovary <presence of apical appendage>/
1. unappendaged <<implicit>>/
2. with a fleshy appendage below style insertion/
3. with a fleshy appendage above style insertion/
4. umbonate <best seen in bamboos at the semi-mature stage>/
5. beaked/
6. with a steeple-like appendage/

#1017. Ovary <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. with a few apical hairs/
3. pubescent on apex/
4. pubescent all over/


#1018. Caryopsis with <type of pericarp>/
1. adherent pericarp/
2. tardily free pericarp <cistoid>/
3. free soft pericarp <follicoid>/
4. free brittle pericarp <nucoid>/
5. fleshy pericarp <baccoid>/

#1019. Caryopsis <outline>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. fusiform/
4. ellipsoid/
5. oblong/
6. ovoid/
7. orbicular/
8. reniform/
9. obovoid/
10. oblanceolate/
11. square/

#1020. Caryopsis <compression, viewed from embryo>/
1. isodiametric <in section>/
2. laterally compressed/
3. dorsally compressed <slightly>/
4. <dorsally> flattened/

#1021. Caryopsis <transverse section>/
1. biconvex/
2. plano-convex/
3. concavo-convex/
4. trigonous/
5. quadrangular/

#1022. Caryopsis <presence of basal stipe>/
1. estipitate/
2. stipitate/

#1023. Caryopsis <presence of hilar groove>/
1. without sulcus/
2. sulcate on hilar side/

#1024. Caryopsis <exposure>/
1. concealed by floret/
2. exposed between gaping lemma and palea at maturity/

#1025. Caryopsis <length>/
mm long/

#1026. Caryopsis <colour>/
1. pallid/
2. grey/
3. yellow/
4. green/
5. light brown/
6. dark brown/
7. red/
8. purple/
9. black/

#1027. Caryopsis <roughness>/
1. smooth/
2. granular/
3. striate/
4. reticulate/
5. rugose/
6. pitted/

#1028. Caryopsis <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. hairy at apex/
3. hairy all over/

#1029. Caryopsis <shape of apex>/
1. emarginate/
2. truncate/
3. obtuse/
4. acute/
5. acuminate/
6. cuspidate/
7. apiculate/

#1030. Caryopsis apex <presence of apical appendage>/
1. unappendaged/
2. fleshy/
3. umbonate/
4. rostrate/
5. bicornate/

#1031. Embryo <length as fraction of caryopsis>/
length of caryopsis/

#1032. Embryo <basal projection>/
1. not projecting/
2. projecting below grain/

#1033. Embryo with <position of plumule>/
1. apical plumule/
2. lateral plumule/
3. basal plumule/

#1034. Hilum <shape>/
1. punctiform/
2. elliptic/
3. linear <and straight>/
4. curved <and elongated>/

#1035. Hilum <length as fraction of caryopsis>/
length of caryopsis/

#1036. Endosperm <consistency>/
1. flinty <translucent>/
2. farinose/
3. soft/
4. liquid/
5. evanescent/

#1037. Disseminule comprising a/
1. seed/
2. caryopsis/
3. caryopsis and palea/
4. floret/
5. floret with sterile lemmas/
6. group of fertile florets/
7. spikelet/
8. rhachis internode <one internode bearing 1 or more spikelets>/
9. branch <including racemelet, cluster and multiple internodes>/
10. inflorescence/
11. synflorescence <one or more inflorescences with subtending leaves>/

#1038. Secondary disseminule/
1. none <<implicit>>/
2. a floret/
3. a spikelet/
4. a branch/
5. an inflorescence/


#1039. Male inflorescence <location>/
1. terminal/
2. axillary/

#1040. Male inflorescence <similarity to female <add comment after character if gynodioeciously bisexual>>/
1. similar to female/
2. unlike female/

#1041. Male inflorescence <facies>/
1. a spathate compound head/
2. a panicle/
3. a single raceme/
4. of subdigitate racemes/
5. of racemes along a central axis/
6. of few spikelets/

#1042. Male inflorescence with <whether racemes pectinate>/
1. non-pectinate racemes <<implicit>>/
2. pectinate racemes/

#1043. Male spikelets <similarity to female>/
1. resembling female/
2. similar to female but less developed/
3. distinct from female/

#1044. Male spikelets with <pedicel fusion - if monoecious with male segregated (mostly Andropogoneae); else see principal pedicel>/
1. free pedicels/
2. pedicels fused to rhachis/

#1045. Male spikelets <number of male florets>/

#1046. Male spikelets <presence of rhachilla extension>/
1. without rhachilla extension <underdeveloped florets may be present> <<implicit>>/
2. with barren rhachilla extension/
3. with rudimentary <modified> apical florets/

#1047. Male spikelets <persistence>/
1. persistent/
2. separately deciduous/
3. all deciduous together <but separate from female, when more than 1>/
4. deciduous with the fertile/

#1048. Male spikelets <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. linear/
2. lanceolate/
3. elliptic/
4. oblong/
5. ovate/
6. obovate/
7. oblanceolate/
8. cuneate/

#1049. Male spikelets <length>/
mm long/

#1050. Male spikelets <indumentum>/
1. glabrous/
2. hairy/

#1051. Male spikelets <shape of apex>/
1. obtuse/
2. acute/
3. dentate/

#1052. Male spikelet glumes <presence>/
1. absent/
2. 1/
3. 2/

#1053. Male spikelet glumes <outline> <<ordered>>/
1. subulate/
2. linear/
3. lanceolate/
4. elliptic/
5. oblong/
6. triangular/
7. ovate/
8. orbicular/
9. oblate/
10. obovate/
11. cuneate/

#1054. Male spikelet glumes <length>/
mm long/

#1055. Male spikelet glumes/
1. membranous/
2. coriaceous/

#1056. Male spikelet glumes <presence of wing>/
1. wingless/
2. winged/

#1057. Male spikelet glumes <vein number>/

#1058. Male spikelet glumes <presence of awn>/
1. muticous/
2. awned/

#1059. Male spikelet glumes with <awn length>/
mm long awn/

#1060. Male spikelet lemma <length>/
mm long/

#1061. Male spikelet lemma <number of veins>/

#1062. Male spikelet lemma <presence of cross-veins>/
1. without cross-veins/
2. with cross-veins/

#1063. Male spikelet lemma <presence of awn>/
1. muticous/
2. awned/

#1064. Male spikelet lemma with <length of awn>/
mm long awn/


#1065. Cleistogenes <presence of concealed spikelets of different appearance>/
1. absent <but aerial cleistogamy may occur> <<implicit>>/
2. present/

#1066. Cleistogenes <location>/
1. in upper sheaths/
2. in lower sheaths/
3. underground <rhizanthogenes>/

#1067. Cleistogenes <number of florets>/

#1068. Cleistogenes <length>/
mm long/

#1069. Vegetative proliferation <of spikelet>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. occurs/

#1070. Vivipary <germination on culm>/
1. absent <<implicit>>/
2. occurs/


#1071. <Continental distribution>/
1. Europe/
2. Africa/
3. Temperate Asia/
4. Tropical Asia/
5. Australasia/
6. Pacific/
7. North America/
8. South America/
9. Antarctica/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1072. Europe: <regional distribution <TDWG scheme>>/
1. northern <10>/
2. central <11>/
3. southwestern <12>/
4. southeastern <13>/
5. eastern <14>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1073. Africa: <regional distribution>/
1. north <20>/
2. Macaronesia <21>/
3. west tropical <22>/
4. west-central tropical <23>/
5. northeast tropical <24>/
6. east tropical <25>/
7. southern tropical <26>/
8. south <27>/
9. middle Atlantic ocean <28>/
10. western Indian ocean <29>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1074. Asia-temperate: <regional distribution>/
1. Siberia <30>/
2. Soviet far east <31>/
3. Soviet Middle Asia <32>/
4. Caucasus <33>/
5. western Asia <34>/
6. Arabia <35>/
7. China <36>/
8. Mongolia <37>/
9. eastern Asia <38>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1075. Asia-tropical: <regional distribution>/
1. India <40>/
2. Indo-China <41>/
3. Malesia <42>/
4. north Indian ocean <43>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1076. Australasia: <regional distribution>/
1. Australia <50>/
2. New Zealand <51>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1077. Pacific: <regional distribution>/
1. southwestern <60>/
2. south-central <61>/
3. northwestern <62>/
4. north-central <63>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1078. North America: <regional distribution>/
1. Subarctic <70>/
2. western Canada <71>/
3. eastern Canada <72>/
4. northwest USA <73>/
5. north-central USA <74>/
6. northeast USA <75>/
7. southwest USA <76>/
8. south-central USA <77>/
9. southeast USA <78>/
10. Mexico <79>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1079. South America: <regional distribution>/
1. Mesoamericana <80>/
2. Caribbean <81>/
3. northern South America <82>/
4. western South America <83>/
5. Brazil <84>/
6. southern South America <85>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1080. Antarctic: <regional distribution>/
1. Subantarctic islands <90>/
2. Antarctic continent <91>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).

#1081. <Presence in selected countries;
TDWG 3-letter code>/

Geographical distribution follows the system in: Hollis.S & Brummit.R.K., World Geograohical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1992).


#1082. <Tribe> <<mandatory>>/
1. Andropogoneae/
2. Anomochloeae/
3. Aristideae/
4. Arundineae/
5. Arundinelleae/
6. Aveneae/
7. Bambuseae/
8. Brachyelytreae/
9. Brachypodieae/
10. Bromeae/
11. Brylkinieae/
12. Centotheceae/
13. Cynodonteae/
14. Diarrheneae/
15. Ehrharteae/
16. Eragrostideae/
17. Eriachneae/
18. Hainardieae/
19. Hubbardieae/
20. Isachneae/
21. Leptureae/
22. Lygeae/
23. Meliceae/
24. Micraireae/
25. Nardeae/
26. Olyreae/
27. Orcuttieae/
28. Oryzeae/
29. Paniceae/
30. Pappophoreae/
31. Parianeae/
32. Phaenospermateae/
33. Phareae/
34. Phyllorachideae/
35. Poeae/
36. Steyermarkochloeae/
37. Stipeae/
38. Streptochaeteae/
39. Streptogyneae/
40. Triticeae/

#1083. <Familiar synonyms in current use>/

#1084. <References; notes clarifying taxonomic scope of species>/

#1085. <Source and year of coding or revision. <Intended as a rough guide to reliability; no list of sources is currently maintained>>/

A rough guide to the source and date of entry or revision. No list is currently maintained.

#1086. Entry changed by <<flag to denote changes made since last update. Remember to alter source-of-coding character.>>/
1. adding new item/
2. replacing description/
3. changing name <<from what?>>/
4. deleting synonymous item <<this one, or its incorrect synonym?>>/

Changes made to a subset can be flagged to indicate that the corrected item should be transferred to the main set. The flag is then deleted.


#1087. <Comment on diagnostic characters - level 1>/

The given character set may be insufficiently precise to distinguish critical species. If so, the three Additional Characters can be used to write a mini-key. It will not appear under Best, but will be shown if Differences are requested towards the end of the identification.

#1088. <Comment on diagnostic characters - level 2>/

The given character set may be insufficiently precise to distinguish critical species. If so, the three Additional Characters can be used to write a mini-key. It will not appear under Best, but will be shown if Differences are requested towards the end of the identification.

#1089. <Comment on diagnostic characters - level 3>/

The given character set may be insufficiently precise to distinguish critical species. If so, the three Additional Characters can be used to write a mini-key. It will not appear under Best, but will be shown if Differences are requested towards the end of the identification.

#1090. HTML Hyperlink <filename for tonath>/

Please cite this publication as detailed in How to Cite Us.

Version: 8th August 2005.