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GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora
W.D. Clayton, M. Vorontsova, K.T. Harman & H. Williamson
© Copyright The Board of Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
HABIT Perennial. Culms erect (2/2); robust (1/1); 30–72.5–150 cm long. Lateral branches sparse (1/2), or ample (1/2). Ligule an eciliate membrane (2), or a ciliolate membrane (1). Leaf-blade midrib conspicuous (1/1).
INFLORESCENCE Inflorescence composed of racemes; terminal (2), or terminal and axillary (1); subtended by an unspecialized leaf-sheath (2), or a spatheole (1); exserted (2), or embraced at base by subtending leaf (1). Spatheole linear (1/1).
Racemes single. Rhachis tough (2), or fragile at the nodes (1); angular (1), or semiterete (1), or subcylindrical and excavated (1). Spikelet packing abaxial (1/1). Rhachis internodes cuneate; with the lower often bearing triads (1/1). Rhachis internode tip transverse; crateriform.
Spikelets sunken (2), or appressed (1); in pairs (2), or in threes (2). Fertile spikelets sessile; 1–2 in the cluster (2). Companion sterile spikelets pedicelled; 1 in the cluster. Pedicels free (2), or fused to internode (1); linear (1), or columnar (1), or clavate (1); tip cupuliform (1/1).
STERILE SPIKELETS Companion sterile spikelets rudimentary (2), or well-developed (1); persistent (1/1).
FERTILE SPIKELETS Spikelets comprising 1 basal sterile florets; 1 fertile florets; without rhachilla extension. Spikelets oblong (1), or ovate (2); dorsally compressed; 2.988–4.384–5.5 mm long; falling entire; deciduous with accessory branch structures. Spikelet callus glabrous (1/2), or pubescent (1/2); base truncate; with central peg; attached transversely.
GLUMES Glumes exceeding apex of florets; firmer than fertile lemma. Lower glume oblong (1), or ovate (2); indurate; without keels (2), or 2-keeled (1); wingless (2), or winged on keel (1); 2–3 -veined (1/2), or 6 -veined (1/2). Lower glume lateral veins without ribs (2), or ribbed (1). Lower glume surface smooth (2), or tuberculate (1); without pits; glabrous (2), or pubescent (1). Lower glume apex obtuse (1), or acute (2). Upper glume oblong (2), or ovate (1); chartaceous (1), or cartilaginous (2); without keels (2), or 1-keeled (1); 2 -veined (1/2), or 3 -veined (2/2). Upper glume apex obtuse (1/2), or acute (1/2).
FLORETS Basal sterile florets barren; with palea (1), or without significant palea (2). Lemma of lower sterile floret lanceolate (1), or oblong (1), or ovate (1); hyaline (2), or membranous (1); 0 -veined (1/2), or 2 -veined (1/2); acute (1/1). Fertile lemma lanceolate (1), or elliptic (1), or ovate (1); hyaline (2), or membranous (1); without keel; wingless; 0 -veined (2), or 3 -veined (1). Lemma surface unwrinkled; without grooves. Lemma apex acute (1/1). Palea 0.66 length of lemma; 0 -veined (1/1).
FLOWER Lodicules absent (1/2), or 2 (1/2). Anthers 3 (2/2).
FRUIT Caryopsis with adherent pericarp (2/2); ellipsoid (1/2), or oblong (1/2); biconvex (1/1).
DISTRIBUTION Temperate Asia (2), or Tropical Asia, or Pacific (1).
Please cite this publication as detailed in How to Cite Version: 3rd February 2016.